Orange Juice.

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There are three problems with sneaking out of my house at 1 AM while being me.
1. I have a tendency to shuffle my feet loudly, so this was over from the start.
2. Everything creaks in my house. The floor, the doors, everything!
3. My mom is an insomniac, she can't ever truly sleep, and when she does, she does it lightly.

Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "Oh she snuck out to see a boy, didn't she? The stupid teenager had it coming then!" No, I did not sneak out for a boy. School started up again about a week ago, and if I didn't have a boy before then [which I obviously didn't] I couldn't grab me one that was sneak-out worthy in a week.

Nope, because what I did sneak out for was something equally as stupid. You see, I was craving some orange juice really bad at one o'clock in the morning. I checked our fridge and our pantry, but sadly there were no signs of any oranges, let alone orange juice. A normal person would give up by then and settle for apple juice or some shit, but I am not one to give up when it comes to stupid things such as this. So I went back to my room and planned on how I was going to do this. The best plan, of course, was to go buy some. So I put on my shoes and my jacket, grabbed my keys and wallet and... jumped out my window. Now, I've never really snuck out before so obviously I didn't know my window locks from the inside when it closes. This will prove to be a problem later, of course.

I walked to my car, which was parked outside of the house, and started it up right outside my house before driving away. Bad idea, right? I'll eventually learn that this is what woke up my mom. So I'm driving along and listening to music from my iPod [first song to play being Wires by The Neighborhood] when I remember it's 1 AM, most stores won't be open. Before I was about to give up and go home, I remembered the 7/11 store near my house is always open. So I quickly changed directions and headed to the 7/11. To my luck, they had orange juice. The thing that caught my attention, though, were these packs of Sunny-D bottles meant for either on-the-go drinking or kids' lunches. I immediately grabbed a pack and a couple croissants, because a girl gets hungry, before checking out and paying.

Satisfied with my success I got into my car, grabbing an orange juice bottle and a croissant for the trip back, and I drove away eating and drinking happily. The trip back to my house was an easy seven minutes, now I just had to sneak back in. I grabbed my grocery bag from the back seat, stuffing everything like my keys, wallet, and unfinished food in there, and I headed for my window. I tried opening it a couple times before I realized it was locked. Groaning, I hesitantly went to the front door. I could have tried sneaking in my brother's window, but he's an exaggeratory snitch- meaning he takes the truth of my crimes and blows it up so big it makes a punch in the arm seem like gory, torturous murder. Yeah, I'd definitely have better luck with the front door. So I got my keys, quietly unlocked the door and slowly stepped in. Creeeaaaakkkk. Shit, we really needed to oil up these hinges or something. The floorboards groaned under my weight as well and I prayed to the holy heavens that mom wouldn't come downstairs and find me. Too bad hell answered my prayers first because when I slowly crept into the living room she sat in her recliner with her arms crossed and the I'm-definitely-going-to-torture-you-before-killing-you look.

"Do you have any idea what time it is!?" She whisper-screamed at me.

"Umm... one thirty-seven in the morning?" I whispered back.

"Yeah, exactly! Are you going to tell me what you were doing out this late? It was a boy, wasn't it?"

"NO! No, mom, it wasn't a boy."

"Well if it wasn't a boy then what was it?"

"Well... I was craving orange juice, that's why I'm holding a grocery bag full of orange juice and croissants. I was gonna go chug all of this in my room before you stopped me."

"Orange juice?! Really?"

I shrugged. "Can I go to my room now?"

She sighed. "Yes, but we're going to talk about this in the morning and you're not allowed to use your car for a week. Meaning, yes, you have to take the bus all week."

"But m-" I started before she interrupted me.

"No buts. Keys, now." She did I weird grabby motion with her hand and I sighed, tossing over my keys before treading to my room. At least I have my orange juice now.

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