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Stiles pov

Derek feel asleep on my chest. It feels a little nice. My eyes start to get heavy but before they close. Derek's mom comes in and says "Hi Stiles, my name isThalia." I smile at her for a moment then ask "So you're the alpha ?" She looks a little shocked and nodded. "Did my boys tell you?" She asked in a curious tone, I shook my head no and said "I woke up in Issac's room with Derek wolfed out yelling at him." I look down at Derek and smile at him. Thalia looks a little sad and says "Be careful Stiles my boy is a player and he will break your heart if you let him." I frown at that.

I could tell but I thought maybe he could change. She smiles at me and says "Stiles, your dad called but I don't want you to wake my boy so I answered the call, go to sleep." I smile at her and nod, I look down at Derek one more time and let my eyes close.

Derek's pov
I wake up with my arms around me, Stiles, I look up and he's sleeping. I don't feel like getting up so I just lay back down and close my eyes again.

Thalia's pov
Mr.Stilinski knocks on the door and I open it with a smile. He walks in and says "Hi my name is John Stilinski please just call me John." he smiles at me, I reach my hand out and say "Thalia, your son..well let me just show you." I smile at him while I make hand gestures for him to come upstairs. He follows me into Derek's room, I open the door to see my son on Stiles' chest and smile. John just nods and I shut the door, we go down stairs. He finally says "My son can stay here for the night, he doesn't have to go to school tomorrow if you keep your son in."

I nod and smile at him "Bye, John." I say still smiling he just nods and walks out. I am definitely keeping my boy from going to school tomorrow! Maybe Stiles can change Derek's ways. I miss the way Derek used to be. He was such a gentlemen, always happy and smiling. Never really had a care in the world.

(Time skip to morning)

Derek's pov
I wake up again Stiles is still asleep I look at the time and it's like 9. I missed a lot already "Stiles! Stiles wake up please!" I whisper yell while shaking him lightly. Stiles opens his eyes quickly and sees me then looks at the window then the clock . "Oh shit, my dad." He says mad, after he says that my mom just comes in out of nowhere. "Morning boys, Stiles don't worry about your dad, he came last night and said you could stay the night. Also that you didn't have to go to school if Derek didn't go." She says with a smile Stiles just smiles back.

"Thank you Thalia." Stiles says, excuse me? "What the hell you guys are on first name bases when did this happen?" I asked seriously freaked out. No one gets on first name base with my parents. "Last night, I like Stiles Derek, he's a good boy keep being friends please, baby I want you to be happy it makes me happy." She says smiling at me. I blush which you should all know by now happens on my cheeks and tip of my ears. I look up at Stiles and he's also blushing. "Don't get your hopes up." I say a little too harshly.

"Maybe I should get going, it was uh nice being here, bye." Stiles said sadly and like he wasn't wanted and I didn't want to make him feel like that. "No, it's okay, Derek is gonna take you out." My mom says with a smile, Stiles looks at her with a sad smile and says, "It's okay Thalia, I'll just go home my dads not home anyway." She looks at him with the saddest smile in her eyes. "Stay for dinner so you can meet the whole family please, Stiles we're good people." She says Stiles looks at her and smiles and says "Then I'll just come back um I'll just leave you my number bye." Still with that sadness and unwant it made me sad.

"Stiles, I really wish you wouldn't leave but if you want to leave your number, leave it with Derek." My mom says.
Stiles takes a paper off the floor that Erica wrote as a joke it said 'grocery shopping list condoms condoms and condoms ' Stiles dropped the list and says "Maybe I'll join you for dinner next time bye." He ran out of the house faster than I could say wait. "What the hell was on that paper?!" My mom yelled I looked at her and said "Mom, Erica wrote it as a joke." My mom rolled her eyes and picked up the paper. Her eyes went wide and said "I told the boy how you make people do what you want Derek, but I said it nicer then that. You just made him think worse of you, that boy really smelled like sadness, you made this worse on yourself you are going to go out there and bring that boy back for dinner now!" I can tell she was mad I just nodded and got off my bed and left the house.

It wasn't hard to find his scent it smelt like us together. He was in a little clearing I used to go to. He was crying. I wasn't sure what to do like, do I hug him? Say that I'm sorry? Ask why he's crying? But I think I know why he's crying and it's my fault. So I should apologize? Stiles is so easy to figure out but at the same time he's complicated. You never know what he wants but if you make the right guess then he's the happiest person you will meet. At the same time I don't know him.
Well, whatever I'm just gonna walk up to him right. Here goes nothing hehe.
I mean I think. No I know.
Here goes nothing.

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