chapter one

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"No Louis, leave it on!"

The older boy groaned, his fingers pressing against the switch connected to lamp beside him, as he stared at his friend.

"C'mon Harry, there's a glare; I can't see the tv."

"Please Louis," The younger boy spoke, his voice small and timid. Harry was always afraid of the dark, ever since he was little. It was that one stage he couldn't seem to grow out of. He couldn't go out at night, he couldn't watch a movie with all the lights off, and he had to sleep with a nightlight, or else he wouldn't sleep at all. The curly haired boy was truly terrified of the dark.

The blue eyed boy sighed, retreating his arm in a childlike fit, making Harry's heart practically ache.

"Please don't be mad at me," Harry begged, his blue woven blanket tucked under his chin, as he sat across from his friend on the brown couch.

"I'm not mad Harry, I'm just-" Louis sighed, not really sure how to finish his sentence. Harry was staring at him with innocent doe eyes that made it impossible to stay mad; which lead to Louis being annoyed.

Harry was not typically someone Louis would've hung out with. In fact, Louis seemed like someone that would bully Harry ever chance he got; most of his friends already did. And Louis was always right there to defend him. Harry was the type of person to sit in the front of the class, yet never raise his hand, but at the same time keep up with perfect attendance and a solid 4.0 GPA. He keep his head down, his nose clean, and his grades up.

Louis, being a grade older, was completely different. Just last week, he had to get his picture taken six times for the yearbook for winning, 'Most Outspoken,' 'Most Tardies,' 'Most Talkative,' 'Most Likely To Be Caught Sleeping In Class,' and 'Most Likely To Be Late To Their Own Wedding.' Oh, and let's not forget, 'Most Likely To Win The Lottery And Lose The Ticket.' He couldn't even take his senior quote seriously. One hundred and fifty characters, and he chose to write, "I like girls who eat carrots." Louis was extremely popular, very outgoing; and was not considered the type of person who spent time with people like Harry.

But when the two boys met in grade school, there was an instant click. Maybe it was when Louis got caught cutting Lou Teasdale's hair and Harry quickly covered him. Or when Louis had to stay in the classroom during recess for a whole week after biting the boy who stole Harry's gogurt. But since then, Louis had taken Harry under his wing and never let anyone bully him when he was around.

"Harry, you get you're no longer five, right?" Louis asked, giving his friend a glimpse.

Harry, lowered his head, wrapping his blanket more around his body. "Yeah," he mumbled, his voice barely coherent.

"And you do understand that this, "I'm small and act like Bambi, so don't get mad at me," thing isn't going to always work, right?" the feather haired boy questioned, raising a brow.

Harry lifted his head, furrowing his eyebrows. "What Bambi thing?"

Louis chuckled, flashing his teeth that were slightly stained from nicotine, causing Harry to pout. Crossing his arms, he removed his socked foot from the blanket and kicked the leg of the older lad.

"Shut up, I'm taller than you anyways," Harry argued, bringing his foot back into the warmth of the blanket.

"Yeah, but I can still kick your arse," Louis teased, snaking out his tongue a bit.

Rolling his eyes, Harry returned his attention back to the movie they were originally watching. It was an old romantic comedy, that made Louis want to claw his eyes out after the first five minutes of turning it on. But his curly haired friend loved them, and Harry being how he was; always got his way. You really couldn't say no to this boy.

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