Arthur, son of Pendragon saw the light in ancient Britain.
His father died too soon, trying to unite the promised land
Merlin the magician took care of little Arthur,
by taking him to a safer place, so he could grow up in peace.
England was in ruin, while there was no king to praise
So Merlin created an anvil, with in it a magic sword
The one to take the sword, was the one to be a king
On an ordinary day, the squire forgot to bring his sword
Arthur went on his quest and came back with Merlin's one
No one believed that Arthur pulled out the blade
And still there was no king to praise.
He defeated his opponents and ancient Camelot was built
The blade broke and the Lady of the Lake gave him a new
This blade was called Excalibur, ''with it you won't be harmed'' she said
''But before you die, please bring it back to me''
Arthur married pretty Guinevere and a round table was brought to them
Twelve knights were honoured to have a place, equalled as they spoke
Their main quest was to find the Holy Grail
That promised to give eternal lifetime...
During the absence of Arthur, lady Guinevere created a mess
She began a relationship with Lancelot, causing Arthur to drag her to court
Everyone was equal, so even the King's Lady wasn't safe for justice
Guinevere was condemned to be burned
But out of the blue there was Lancelot, who saved her from the flames
Arthur was forced to start a war against Lancelot
He left Guinevere behind, with a greedy man called Mordred
Mordred started the final battle of Camlann, where he lost his life
Arthur barely survived, and the kingdom fell to pieces...