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Its pouring rain and i am running from a phsyco. Great Hannah. Great. NOw how did i get in this mess you ask? Well I Emma Jones, was taken from my family. I mean it isnt really a family, a druggie mom and a drunken dad doesnt make a good family. But anyway, i was walking to school and bam i was taken. Now my parents wont look for me so i fought adn i got loose. now i am running from this lunatic. I am 15 bonde hair greenis brown eyes.

 I am 15 bonde hair greenis brown eyes

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Yup, that's me. I would like to say i have a normal life but i don't. I have tons of friends and had tons of boyfriends, i was head cheerleader and i was popular, but i didn't want it. The only reason i have all this is because i am cousins with Jake and Logan Paul. I never really talk to them though. I never use them for fame money or popularity. How people found out that we are cousins is at a family reunion, stupid me posted a pic of us saying "I miss my big cousins" and a sad face. But yea. So i am running i have no idea where i am. it is like 3 in the morning, and no one is awake all the lights are off in every house and i don"t want to wake people up so i will run till i find a house or well.... get killed :)). I keep running for about 3 more minutes till i come by a house with their lights on. I run up to the house hearing the guy yell out for me "Emma you cant keep running." I knock on the door and some guy i think i know answers. "HI can i come in i will explain later." I manage to spit out. He just stares at me. I wave my hands in his face, "Earth to human boy. I am being chased by a psycho ." I say one final time before he finally snaps out of it. "Oh yea uh sorry come in, my family is asleep so whisper." He says not taking his eyes off me. i feel bad to be honest, his house is really nice and i'm getting water all over the floor. oh whale ;)). "Okay i am so sorry about this, my name is Emma and i was kidnapped my parents aren't and wont be looking for me and the guy is somewhere outside, so if you don't want to have your house shot up i would advise u shut your lights off like right now, so he doesn't think that i am in here." i spit out putting my hair in a messy bun. "Uh okay, i have dry clothes if you want and you can stay here if you want for a s long as u need we have a guest room so if anything you can live with us, my parents don't really care what i do, as long as i'm not doing drugs or smoking." he chuckles. " okay thank you so much." i say then we stare at each other for what felt like forever. until i said, "i would like those dry clothes please." HE said nothing he just led me upstairs to what i am guessing is his room. It just hit me now but this guy is William Weston Koury. MY best, well ex best  friend use to love him. "Uh what state am i in?" i ask. "North Carolina." HE replies handing me sweats and a t-shirt. "holy crap. He took me that far. Hey where can i change?" "Here or the bathroom." "I think ill change here since i'm already in here." I laugh. "hey Weston." i say turning around as he is walking out. He tenses up. "H-h-how do u know my name? i never told u my name." He says not turning around. I laugh, "your Weston koury right? My bes tfriend is obssed with you, no offence im not a big fan i havent really watched one of your little broadcast or videos, but any way do you think Kaylnn would have maybe an extra bra and underwear?" i ask embarrsed. but hey a girl needs that stuff so i had to ask. "Y-yea, i think she is still awake." he chuckles. he walks out of the room closing the door. I just walk in and look around. Wow his computer set is amazing. Lol cottoneye joe, oh got lilly is getting to my head. Lily is my ex bestfriend. Why i say ex is because i caught her sleeping with my now ex boyfriend John. Weston walks in handing my a black sports bra and a black pair of panties. He was bright red. lol. "thanks." i say as he is walking out. I start to change out of my clothes into the dry ones weston gave me. I have to admit he is cute. BUt he has no top lip. lol. After i finish i walk out of the room in to the hall to tell weston im done but i hear him in a call with someone." DUde mario she is really georgeous, like i cant even." I guess he is talking to a mario lol. "I want to get to know her, god i cant even." he yell wishpers. i giggle. oops, maybe a little to loud, because he heard. " aye i got to go marihoe." crap. lol. I run back in to his room and sit in his desk chair pretending i didnt hear anything. he walks in, "Were you listening to my conversation?" He asks half laughing half embaressed. "MAybe." I laugh back. "Okay well uh lets go to sleep the guest room isnt really clean at the moment so you can sleep in here on the top bunk if you want." he said talking off his sweater. I decided to tease him so i said "I am a little shooken up would u min if we slept together tonight." in a little baby voice. He went bright red and i just chuckled. "Only if ou want if not then i think i should be fine." i added, i felt weird now. "okay that sould be fine, let me just plug my phone in." i nodded and climed on the top bunk. He followed a couple seconds later. At first it was akwark we were both srtaight like stick looking up. after a couple minutes i turned over the oppisite way of weston and tried to sleep. A few minutes later weston pulled me closer and put his arm around my wair, it felt nice, i felt safe. Soon i drifted off to sleep.

                  How do you like my new book? good or bad? i do want to add more vharacters so dont worry. Do you think the guy will find emma or will her parents want to take her back home? Or maybe the kourys dont want her in their home because she is a stranger they cant trust just yet? who know you will just have to keep reading. 

                                kisses, M

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