Visiting your parents

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Today was the birthday of your father, so you, your wives as well as Yu, Makoto and Lucio

Lucio: "It's been a while since I last visited your old house"

(Y/N): "It's been a while since i last saw my parents"

Makoto: "It's gonna be exciting to meet your parents but one question. Why did you want to bring us a long?"

(Y/N): "Just so my parents won't question why all these girls are here"

Angela: "So honey who will be your date?"

(Y/N): "I'll take Camilla because it will be the easiest to explain I guess?"

Rias: "Why would it be easier to explain for her? I could just like not show my demon powers"

(Y/N): "Well my parents most likely will be prouder of a prince then a demon prince"

Rias: "Makes sense still would've liked to be your date"

Hana: "Well I missed talking to my aunt and uncle so I don't care"

(Y/N): "I missed my parents I wonder what they have done while I was away" 

Drunken montage of your parents in the year you were away

Angela: "Most likely adult stuff Glad I don't have to do any of that anymore"

(Y/N): "I most likely have to do prince and devil stuff after high school"

Camilla: "Nah you can stay as a normal person well we can be normal people while my brothers take royalty" 

Rias: "You aren't gonna be lucifer, you are just gonna obtain his name and most likely some of our powers"

(Y/N): "Cool"

Time skip brought to you by chibi harem flashing their breasts at chibi (Y/N)

You knocked the door of your parents home

(F/N): "Coming"

Your father opened the door and instantly hugged you once the door was completely opened

(F/N): "SON!!!!! and company...?

(Y/N): "Hey dad"

Camilla: "Hello soon to be father in law"

Rias: "Hey he is also my father in law"

Your father fainted from hearing that your mom heard that and walked over, she saw you being hugged by Rias and Camilla 

(M/N): "Hello son, who are these women and why are they hugging you?"

Rias and Camilla: "We are his soon to be wives"

Your mom looked at you shocked and confused

(M/N): "What is the meaning of this?"

(Y/N): "They are addicted to me"

Rias and Camilla: "Yes"

(M/N): "Well that's, umm..... quite a surprise..... I just expecting some girls that were cuter

Hana: "Well if you were looking for cute I'm already taken"

(M/N): "Well If it isn't the cute baby girl Hana"

Hana: "Don't say such embarrasing stuff while my boyfriend is here"

Lucio: " Hey (M/N) It's been a while"

(M/N): "Hello Lucio how have you been"

(Y/N): "I'm sure you remember Angela" 

(M/N): "Oh the girl who broke my brothers heart... Of course I remember that woman"

Angela: "Hello Ex-step-sister"

(M/N): "Oh so she was in love with you"

(Y/N): "You knew?"

(M/N): "Was a guess, But I am glad she is still part of the family, but please never come to our family reunions"

(Y/N): "So you don't care about my twenty-five girlfriends?"

(M/N): "WHAT!?!?!"

(Y/N): "Nothing"

(M/N): "T-t-t-twenty-five? What, how and why?

(Y/N): "Don't know, don't know and don't know, just roll with it I guess"

Rias and Camilla: "It's because he is handsome and sexy and powerful"

You kissed both of them on the lips Angela got jealous and then french kissed you passionately (M/N) Pulled all the girls off you because she didn't want sex on her front porch

(M/N): "Come on everyone we are bringing out the cake later but first you should all get settled down"

You walked in with everyone and gets settled 

Hello people I'm sorry for short part but studying and other stuffs but heres the question what do you want to happen on your father birthday remember no sexy fun times no new girls unless you want your neighbor or someone liked that to be a new harem member so you guys suggest i add 

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