Imagine for..

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Harry's POV
I wake up to a dull pain in my jaw. I rub my cheek and I get out of bed. All I have to do is make sure Louis doesn't notice. I go into the bathroom and I brush my teeth. As I got to my sore tooth, I stopped and kept it going like this. After I was done, I went into my wardrobe and I pick out an outfit. *After changing* Once I was done changing, I went downstairs and sat next to Louis on a stool. "Good Morning Haz!" He says as he saw me. "Good morning Lou." I say back. "Do you want some breakfast?" He asks. "I'm not that hungry." I say sighing. The truth is that I am really hungry but I'm not trying to make my tooth even worse. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "Want to watch a movie?" He asks and I shake my head." "Why not?" He asks. "I just don't want to." I say. I get off of the stool and I see Louis glare at me so I grabbed a banana. "I thought you weren't hungry?" He says making it seem like a question. "I am now."I say. "Your going to eat that banana in front of me." He says and I open the banana. I take a bite out of the banana and I chew on it. Since a banana is soft it didn't hurt as much. I finish the banana and Louis glares at me. "I finished." I say throwing the banana peel away. "Go on." He says. I walk up the stairs and I go into my room. As soon as my door was closed and I was in my room, I went over to my bed and sat down. I wince when cold air hits my sore tooth. "Oww." I say whimpering.

Louis's POV
"Something was off about Harry this morning he didn't want to watch a movie, he didn't want breakfast, and he looks like he was pain." I say to Anne on the phone. "Maybe he has a toothache." Anne suggests. "I don't think he would, his teeth are perfect." I say to her. "Well if you find the problem just call me."She says and we hang out after saying our byes.

Harry's POV
Tears falls down my face as my tooth starts to hurt even more. I walk downstairs and I walk into the bathroom where the medication is and Louis glares at me. "Are you ok?" He asks. "I just have a terrible headache." I say. "Ok take some ibuprofen, it helps." He says and I nod. I grab the bottle and I take two pills out of the jar. I take a handful of water and I swallow the pills. "There we go." I say heading back upstairs. "No come here." Louis says stopping me. I walk over to him and I sit down. "What?" I ask. "Normally when you have a headache you would cuddle." Louis says. "I just don't want to cuddle today." I say anger filling my eyes. "I get that but you been distance since this morning." He says and I sigh. "I can't tell you." I say. "I think I know what the problem is." Louis says standing up and going to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I ask. The room was silent in till all I could hear was glass clinging together and water running.  In 5 seconds he comes out with a glass of what looks like cold water. "Here take this." He says handing me the water. Yep it's cold by the feel of it. I slowly drink the water and as it hits my tooth and whimper. I put the glass down and I start to cry. "Haz, why didn't you tell me that you had a toothache?" He asks. "I'm scared of the dentist." I say while hugging my knees and I rock back and forth. "Hazza I know but your mom is a dentist and she can take care of you." He says and I shrug.  "Haz let's go." He says holding his hand out to me. I shake my head and I start to cry more. "Harry last chance." He says stern. I still shake my head. He picks me up and puts me over his shoulder walking to his car. "LOU, PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO!" I scream while I bang on his back. He opens the passenger door and sits me down on the seat. "I'm sorry Haz, but you need to get your tooth looked at." Louis says buckling the seatbelt. "NO!" I scream as he closes the door and goes on his phone.

Louis's POV
I'm feeling kinda guilty for making Harry go through this but he needs to get his tooth checked out because from the pain he has been showing, he's going to need an extraction. I go onto my phone once I closed the door and I start to call Anne. She answers on the third ring. "Hello?" She asks. "Hey It's Louis." I say. "Have you found the problem yet?" She asks sounding a bit worried for her son. "I did, it turns out that he has a really bad toothache and I was wondering if I can bring him in?" I ask. "I have a slot for him in 45 minutes." She says. "Ok we will be there in a few." I say and we hang up.

Harry's POV
After Louis puts his phone away he walks over to the driver's side and opens the door. "Harry I'm sorry that you need to go to the dentist to get your tooth fixed but I just don't want to see you in pain anymore." He says closing the door and looking at me. "It's fine." I say tears falling down my cheeks. "Hazza you really need to calm down." Louis says wiping some tears off of my face. "Louis please don't make me go!" I scream more tears flowing down my face and onto my shirt. "Haz you really need to calm down." He says and I shake my head. Louis puts his finger under my chin and I look at him. "Haz, listen." He says and I nod. "You need to go to the dentist and I'll be there the whole entire time." Louis says and I move finger. "NO!" I say unbuckling the seatbelt. "Harry." Louis says stern. "Louis." I whine. Louis grabs the seatbelt and re buckles it. He starts to drive towards my mum's clinic. *At the clinic* Once we were at the clinic, Louis gets out of the car and walks over to my side. Once he was to my side, he opened the door and unbuckled the seatbelt. "Haz, am I going to have to carry you in?" He asks and I shake my head. "Then let's go." He says and I shake my head. Louis sighs and picks me up. "Lou stop it!" I scream. "Hazza I'm sorry but you need to cooperate." He says as we walk into the clinic. My mum was already waiting for us. "Harry, Louis, you can just go back to room 5." She says and Louis nods bringing me to the exam room. He places me down in the dental chair while my mum comes in. She grabs a bib and places it around my neck. She puts on a pair of rubber gloves on. She tilts the chair back to where I was facing the ceiling. More tears flow down my cheeks and Louis rubs my shoulder. "Harry, can I please take a look?" My mum asks. "No." I say and she sighs. "Hun, I know that your scared of the dentist but please let me check your tooth?" She says making it sound like a question. I sigh and I open my mouth. "That's it." She says placing a mouth prop in. I try to grab it but I get stopped by Louis grabbing my hand and putting it to my side. "No Hazza, it's going to make sure your mouth doesn't get tired and close." He says. My mother starts to tap each of my teeth. Once she gets to my sore tooth and taps it, I whimper and a tear falls down my cheek. "Harry, I'm just going to look at it nothing more." She says and I nod. She puts the explorer down by still has the mirror in her hands. She looks inside once again and her facial expression softens. "Well it seems like you have a deep cavity." She says taking the mouth prop out. "How are you going to treat it?" I ask a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "The only option is to extract it since it's already infected." She says rubbing my shoulder. "I don't want it to hurt." I say hugging my knees. "Hazza, you know I wouldn't hurt you on purpose." She says and I nod. "I guess your right." I say moving my knees away from my face. "Is it alright if I extract now, I mean if you don't it could infect your gums?" She asks and I nod just wanting this pain to go away. She grabs a syringe, pliers, and gauze pads. "Are you ready?"She asks and I nod. She tilts the chair back again and grabs the syringe. "Open."She says and I obey. Once she inserted the syringe, I wince. "Haz,It's alright."She says and I nod. She takes the syringe out after a few more seconds went by. "Let's wait for the medicine to take effect."She says and we nod. "Lou."I say. "Yea Hazza?"He asks moving closer to me. "I just wanted to say thank you."I say and he nods. "You numb?"He asks and I nod. He leaves the room and soon comes back with my mum. "Your sure your numb?"She asks and I nod. She tilts the chair back once more and she grabs something metal that looked like dental pliers. "Open."She says and I obey. She clamps the pliers around my tooth and started to wiggle it. Once it was loose, she started to tug in till a faint popping noise was heard. She places a gauze in my mouth and tells me that I could close my mouth. She pulls me into a hug and I cry onto her shoulder. "It's alright."She says rubbing my back. "I love you."I say. "I love you too, now just make sure you don't eat anything hard for the next few days."She says and I nod. "And Louis,thank you for letting me know about this."She adds and Louis nods. We leave once we say our goodbyes. Once we were at home, me and Louis watched movies and played games. I couldn't be happier.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating. 😰 I've been distracted and such but I hope you enjoyed this Imagine.

-Amber K. ❤️

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