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"One Java Chip Frap, please." I asked politely. The guy at the counter asked "And what's your name?" "It's Kira." I said. "Okay, your order will be done in a few minutes" he said with a smile. "Okay thank you"I replied. I came to Starbucks because I needed a pick me up from the long night I had. I was at the studio until 2 am going through pictures and sorting them into categories. I don't know why I took that internship, I thought it was going to be fun but it turned out it was one big bust. All I have been doing is running to get people their lunch and sorting their paper work for them. But what ever it pays a lot. It also helps with my college tuition. I go to UCLA and I major in photography, it's a dying art and its very hard to find a job that let's you take pictures for a living.

I went to go take a seat while I waited for my drink, since they were extremely busy as always. As I was taking my phone out to check twitter I heard the door open. Three boys walk in wearing sun glasses and hoodies. Why in the hell are they wearing hoodies it's hot as hell outside. Are they crazy? When I was in mid thought they pulled their hoods down and the expression on my face was most likely a very surprised look as I realized who they were.

"No fucking way" I said under my breathe. Why the fuck are they here, shouldn't they be in Australia right now? Well that's what I heard. They were supposedly going to visit their families while they were taking a break. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the barista call my name telling me my drink was ready.

I got up and made my way to the counter. As I was walking I realized that they were up front and getting their orders taken. I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as I was getting closer and closer. My palms were sweaty as I was grabbing my drink I thought it was going to slip right out of my hands. I don't know why I was so nervous they didn't even look in my direction. My nervousness was replaced with disappointment. When I was getting a straw I heard Luke say "Ill get what she got." I looked over and realized he was gesturing towards me. I turned to him and said "Its a Java Chip Frap." He looked at me and smiled while saying "Thanks." "No problem" I replied with a smile.

I turned to walk away when he stopped me. "Hey, wait!" he said rather loudly. I turned to look at him with a confused look on my face. "You forgot your phone and sunnies." he smiled at me as I giggled at his name for sunglasses and thanked him. I stood there for a moment putting the sunglasses on my head so they pushed back my long brown hair. I looked down at my phone and noticed I had 2 missed calls from my friend Megan. I noticed that Luke hadn't moved an inch but I didn't mind. "So you like our band." He slyly said. I looked up at him surprised "How did you know?" I said slightly above a whisper. "Oh, um when you left your phone on the counter it lite up and I saw your background was our logo so I just thought...." He rambled nervously. I laughed at how nervous he was. "Yeah I'm actually quite a big fan." I smiled. "So do you want a picture?" He said with hope laced in his voice. "Oh my gosh. Yeah, I was gonna ask but it seemed like you guys were having a day to yourselves and I didn't want to bother you." I said with a big smile on my face. "We always have time for our fans." He smiled down at me.

I positioned my phone so we could take a picture. I looked at it happy with the way it turned out. "Do you want to take an other one?" He asked. I nodded "Sure if you don't mind." He shook his head "Not at all." I positioned my phone once again and made a silly face. I was expecting for him to do the same but right before I pressed the button he kissed my cheek. I was blushing madly. Shit I hope he doesn't notice how red my cheeks are. I looked up at him "Thank you so much." I said smiling from ear to ear."So what's your name?" he asked. "Kira." I answered looking into his eyes. "Beautiful name." he commented. "Do you have a twitter I could follow you on, so you can send me those pictures?" He asked. "Oh of course." I said while typing my twitter into his phone. He looked like he was going to say something but was quickly interrupted by Ashton. "Hey Luke, here's your drink. Oh hello what's your name?" He asked looking at me with a big smile that never seemed to leave his face. "Kira." I said while giggling. "Nice to meet you, Kira." He said while still staring at me. It kind of made me uncomfortable. I thought there was something on my face and I felt panicky as my anxiety started to creep in. I needed to get out of here no matter how much I loved these boys. "Um it was nice meeting you but I have to go do some shopping. Bye." I said as politely as I could while panicking on the inside. "Oh that's alright. Have fun it was nice meeting you too." He said sounding kind of bummed. I started walking away while waving. When I opened the door I looked back only to see that they had now sat down at a table chatting with each other.

I walked out of Starbucks disappointed with myself. I wanted to make a lasting impression but my stupid anxiety got in the way. I don't know why but I just get super anxious when guys stare at me. Yes I am kind of insecure but who isn't. Usually I'm fine around people but it's just something about someone's eyes being locked on you the whole time that sends shivers up my spine. I was walking down the street admiring how beautiful the day was. Window shopping until I came upon H&M and walked in. I grabbed anything cute I saw and went to the dressing room.

I tried a bunch of outfits on only to stop at one that I wasn't sure if I should get. It was a black and white horizontal striped shirt with a burgundy skater skirt. Also I paired it with a bowl hat. I took another look in the mirror and decided to get it. My phone buzzed to show that my friend Megan tweeted which reminded me I should really call her back. I'll do that when I get home. Before anything else I tweeted those pictures to Luke saying that he was super nice and joked about how I wish we could hang because I was really bored. I went to go check out the items that I had. Then walked out of the store. Maybe I should go to another store and see what they have that I might like. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing once again. I looked at it and noticed that Luke favorited and retweeted my tweets. I smiled to myself wishing that I was still talking to him. I looked at my DMs and saw that Ashton messaged me. Ashton? But he doesn't even follow me. What the actual fuck? I looked at his profile and there, right next to his name it said follows you. My stomach was doing back flips I was so happy I couldn't believe it. I looked at the message he sent me. It said "Hey Kira I saw your tweet to Luke and we would love to hang with you if you're bored. We're still at Starbucks if you want to come? I'll buy you another drink if you want?" I was literally freaking out, well on the inside. Calm down Kira. Just act like they're your best friends everything will be fine. I took a deep breathe. From here on out I'm just going to act casual towards them and see where it goes from there. I typed a message back "Oh hey I would love to come back and hang with you guys. I'll be there in like 5 minutes just get me something that looks good after you've been out in the sun for awhile." I sent it while making my way back to Starbucks. I looked at my phone and saw I got an other message from Ashton. "Will do and be prepared to be bombarded with questions haha. We just want to get to know you." I laughed to myself and sent a message back. "That's okay I'm an open book. Ask away."


Btw this is based off a dream that I had. So if you think this isn't how they would act that's way

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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