Link is fighting Ganondorf inside the top of Hyrule Castle. He doesn't seem to be quiet scared as he has fought the Dark Lord before, and he doesn't seem to be showing any new tricks. Link slashes Ganondorf in the chest with the Master Sword. Ganondorf pushes Link away and just laughs while gushing out some blood. Link holds up his shield and grips his sword tightly preparing for something that he's never seen before. Link dashes to Ganondorf, screaming ready to stab him, but is launched backwards to the wall of the castle. He hits the wall unable to move, as he watches a dark aura surround Ganondorf. Ganondorf starts using his power to crumble the castle below him and the sky starts to darken
The Legend of Link: Two worlds collided.
AdventureKazuto Kirigaya(Kirito), is done with Virtual Reality, or so he thought. During a battle with Ganondorf, TP Link(Twilight Princess Link) realizes Ganondorf has a new profound power, and so with his new power he merges ALfheim Online with the world o...