who am i

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Hello everyone I am Daphne Singer.

Yá'áá'teh Shí eí Daphne Singer yinishyé.

I am half Navajo and half Mexican.

Since I am a Navajo I have four clans.


Red house clan

Mexican clan

Salt people

Water clan



Naakaii Dine'é



I am born for Kinłichíi'nii (which is for my moms clan)

Also born for Naakaii Dine'é (dads side of family)

My paternal clan is Áshįįhí

My maternal clan is Táchii'nii

Paternal is for my moms parents

Maternal is for my nalí's

I am from chilchinbeto where my mom is from but I was born in Flagstaff near or pass Phoenix, AZ.

The cover is the chief of all the Navajo's.

Chief Manuelito

My tradition is that when you get married it needs to have a Navajo Basket and other traditional things

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My tradition is that when you get married it needs to have a Navajo Basket and other traditional things.

If you look at an image then it would make sense.

The red part stands for the rainbow.

The black part stands for the night sky.

That is all I know of the Navajo wedding basket.

I also hope you like this and if you can't read the Navajo just try your best.

Also the song is for pow wow and we have squaw dances and pow wow for singers and dancers.

There is a program called Gathering of Nations (I think that's what it was called) I've been to one before it was crowded.

There is a video if what it is.

I suggest you guys watch it until the end or at least half way, then you'll get the idea of what my tradition is.

And I hope you guys like the little bit of information.

And as always buh~bye


Word count 282

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