Why I Like Midnight

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Why I Like midnight

If you were to tell a person that around midnight is your most favorite time they may think that you are a bum or a lazy person. This is simply because of how they world functions today. Most people have jobs and are required to wake up very early in order to reach to work on time, some people even has two jobs and as soon I one is over the have to rush to the next job. By the time the clocks strikes midnight all most people want to do is be sleeping or go to sleep, unless you don't work or you party in the nights, this is why people assume you a bum to say midnight is your favorite time. But I like midnight for other reason than the ones that were mention above.

You see, we have already stated that during the day everyone is so busy go to and from work but when it is closed to midnight the majority of the population is already asleep. This means I have not many distractions there are no traffic and not much noise it just seems to be a much more peaceful time of the day. Also one of the main reasons why I like midnight is because I enjoy writing and at that point in time besides from not have as many people one the internet so it moves faster, everyone is also sleeping so I can concentrate on writing my articles much better than I can with a place fill of people going up and down and trying to talk to you. Many other writers probably favors the night as well for this very same reason to get most of their work done. So as you can see there are other reason to being up at midnight other than to be out partying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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