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☆☆☆ Captain Merlin☆☆☆

I'm Merlin, a captain, with a hat adorned with feathers, a parrot and everything. This is my ship, SYLVEST, and ain't she a beauty? I raised her up from when she was a wee plank of wood up until she became this gigantic floating mammoth.

Today is going to be her first day at sea. It's very exciting for me and her, you see, today is the day that our dreams come true.

My dream to become a PIRATE, and her dream to become a PIRATE SHIP.

What? Planks of wood can't dream? Oh, but they very well can! (Have you ever tried speaking to one? They are great listeners but also big dreamers!)

She used to be part of a bigger ship, a ship we call SHINRAN, but that ship blew up in a war with battleship AICON. It's a long story but let's say she washed up alone and broken at the seashore and I picked her up.

We talked about everything, her life as a battleship, my life as an, er, well it's hard to describe. I used to make things out of seaweed: bags, hats, wigs, spaghetti, you name it. Fairly handy with my hands.

Compared to her, I was pathetic. She has seen many things, fishes of all colors, battles of all kinds, strange people, strange places, monkeys.

"They fight about the smallest things." she said, "Those "humans" are weird, waging war for circlular yellow things and shiny colorful things."

I think she meant treasure.

But yes, I agree, those "humans" do sound weird and stupid. I mean, you can't eat gold coins or jewels so why fight over them? I have never seen a human in my life though, because I was raised by turtles on an uninhabited island.

Turtles are cool, they are hardcore and never worry about shelter.

She also told me about how she had met "pirates". They carry sharp pointy shiny things called swords and fight each other. They make people walk planks like Sylvest. They sail the seven seas and never have to take a bath. (My turtle parents were strict on making me clean so not to embarass them.)

Being a pirate sounds so awesome!

That's when I decided on my dream.


I know it's a weird story but thanks for reading. :) ~Mitz

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