The First Snow

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“Hi.” I say to her. I can see her cringe at the sound of my voice. I’d done it again. We both knew it, yet I was still crawling back to her.

            “Go away.” She says in a monotone.

            “I know. I’m s-” I say.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now please go away.” She says to me in a desperate voice.

            “But avoiding me won’t make it any better.” I say. It’s true. “You know that didn’t work the last couple of times.”           

            “Please.” She says, her desperate eyes boring down at me. “Go.”

            “Don’t go. Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you so please don’t go out of my sight. Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear. Oh. This walk that I’m dreaming. You’re my only beautiful butterfly.” I say to her quoting from one of my songs.

            “No. No. NO. NO.” She says running away.

            “Don’t go.”  Whisper to the air.

End of flashback


Another flashback starts

            “So if you could wish for one thing, what would you wish for?” I ask her. She looks at me with her wide open eyes. She looks at the ground and thinks for a second.

            “I guess that it would be to witness the first snow with you.” She says in that sweet voice of hers.

            “That’s easy to achieve.” I say to her. I would have thought of something harder to get.

            “But you never know what’s going to happen.” She counters. Did I ever mention that she’s really smart and logical? And that she thinks of every single way possible?

            “That’s true.” I say. She smiles that angelic smile of hers.

            “That’s what you always say.” She answers with a small laugh. It’s like wind chimes tinkling in the wind. Beautiful.

            “I know.” I say flashing her a smile of my own. She lays her head on my shoulder…

Flashback fades away.


            Now, I’m witnessing the first snow. Alone. So I sing.

            “On this afternoon where the first snow is falling. If only I could call you, I’d be so happy. A year has already passed but I’m still not over you. So I talk to myself, I’m lonely. Turn back the block, if only I could go back one year. Turn back my heart, would we be different now? Yeah, it’s a stupid thought, but still, what if. If I met you, would tears rise up? The foolish me wouldn’t be able to say anything. I walked alone on a street filled with lights, everyone looks happy. I used to think you would always be there like air. But I foolishly let you go, I’m so sorry. Such a typical story, after time passed, the fact that you’re so precious. It always passes by, why didn’t I know back then? I want to tell you that it’s different now. It’s so strange, just thinking of you makes tears fall. Tears are falling falling falling. I want to go back to you. I can do anything. Even if all of my life till now disappears girl. The foolish me wouldn’t be able to say anything. Tell me, Merry Merry Christmas, hi, how have you been? Baby girl. When the snow falls, would my bruised heart get covered whitely? I’m sorry I didn’t treat you well. I was only filled with regrets. If I met you, would tears rise up? Tears rise up. Can’t say anything.I can’t say anything. Tell me, Merry Merry Christmas, hi, how have you been? Is it tears or is it because of the snow? That Christmas, I kept seeing you get farther away.”

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