Vans and Combat Boots ~Lesbian Love Story~

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~Gabriella down at the corner~

The early sun blinded me with it's bright rays peeking through my blinds, warming up my body. I sat up from my bed and let out a huge yawn before getting up and trudging to the bathroom. As I went through my daily morning routine, I thought about what I was gonna wear and decided to throw on some dark skinny jeans and a pastel muscle-tee tie dye shirt with a picture of a huge smiley face on it. Once I threw on my clothes, I gathered up my long hair into a messy ponytail leaving some of my fringe out to frame my face a little. I grabbed my black and white Vans as I was heading down stairs where I was greeted by my mother handing me a plate of pancakes. 

"Eat up sweetie!" She exclaimed with a broad grin on her face. I smiled back at her and sat down on our kitchen's island and began digging into my food.

After I was done, I dumped the plate into the sink and slipped on my shoes. I slung my backpack onto my shoulder as my mother rambled on about being safe on my way home to school. She's always been so afraid that a car would hit me on my way to school. I giggled softly and kissed my mother on her cheek to quiet her down. "Goodbye mom, I love you," I said and grabbed my skateboard. My mother caught my arm and pulled me into a tight hug before I could leave the house. "Be safe darling,"She muttered into my neck. Smiling sadly, I hugged her back and she let go of me after a few seconds. It's always been like this since my father left me. That good for nothing piece of shi-. "Honey, you're going to be late for school," My mother called out from the kitchen. How long had I been standing there? Oh well. I opened the door and stepped out into the chilly weather. I smiled as the cold wind bit at my skin, it was a reminder that winter was on it's way. I set my skateboard down and placed one foot on it, using the other to push myself and gain speed. 

Once I arrived at school, I stepped off my skateboard and picked it up. I walked into the front office and smiled warmly at the lady on the front desk. "Good morning Ms Williams," I said, setting down my skateboard behind her desk. She always let me keep my skateboard here since I have no room for it in my locker. She smiled back brightly, covered the mouthpiece of the phone and mouthed "Hey honey" before returning back to her call. I walked out of the office and to my locker, spinning my combination on dial. The minute I opened it, the tardy bell rang. I cursed under my breath and grabbed my English binder before slamming the locker shut. As I was approaching the office, I saw a blonde girl that I didn't recognize. That's a lot to say, considering I've lived in this goddamn town my whole life and not ever has any of the people here changed. It's always been the same damn people. No new faces, no nothing. Just the same old boring life. But she, she was new. I would have noticed her before if she wasn't. She's extremely beautiful. No doubt that all the guys would be all over her in seconds. She seemed to carry herself with a sense of confidence and power. Her sleeveless black shirt had spikes on her shoulder and the olive high waisted jeans almost seemed painted on and her black combat boots seemed to just tie everything together. The moment I walked through the door and she turned around to look at me with those big blue eyes, my breath hitched. 

If she seemed beautiful from far away, she looked breath taking up close. Literally. It was when Ms Williams got my attention that I actually remembered to breathe. "Oh! Gabriella! You're just in time. This is our new student, Jacqueline. " Jacqueline frowned and turned to Ms Williams. "I told you to call me Jackie," She said in a harsh tone. Ms Williams disregarded the tone and smiled brighter than ever. "Right, I'm sorry Jackie. Anyways, Gabriella here will show you around once I finish with your paperwork. If you both please would just sit down and wait a moment, I will send you on your way." Ms Williams turned around and disappeared into the door behind her desk. I sat down in the uncomfortable plastic chair and sighed softly. "Sheesh, does she always talk to damn proper?" Jackie asked, plopping down next to me. I nodded and stared at my old Vans. I heard Jackie shift around and next thing I knew, she picked up my chin and made me look into her eyes. "Do you talk, kitten?" She asked, smirking. I stammered for a while before spitting out a weak 'yes'. She giggled and released my chin, leaning back into her chair. "So it seems that you do. Now, tell me why a girl like you is in this raggedy old town." I was confused by what she meant. "A girl like me?" I pondered out loud. "Yeah. You look like you belong in the cover of a famous magazine. Not in this dump." My cheeks flushed in embarrassment at being complimented. I looked down again and shook my head. I could hear Jackie giggling again, but this time I also felt her breath against my ear as well. "I could show you the world, little kitten."

 Ms Williams walked in and slammed the door shut, causing me to jump and look up. "My my my! I seemed to be interrupting a secret from being shared," She giggled. Thank goodness Ms Williams is so oblivious. Jackie stood up and grabbed the paperwork in Ms Williams hands. "I'll be on my way then," She said. I stood up as well and walked out of the door, stopping and waiting for Jackie outside while Ms Williams told her some information. A few minutes later Jackie came out and once the door closed behind her, she groaned loudly. "Does that lady ever stop TALKING?" I giggled and said "That's Ms Williams for you." Jackie smiled at me and caught a strand of my hair from my ponytail. "You know, you have a really pretty voice. You should use it more often." I blushed again, looking down at my shoes. She caught my chin and lifted up my gaze so I could meet her blue eyes again. "And you're so short it's adorable.'' She chuckled and walked in front of me. I huffed and rolled my eyes, passing her and stopping right in front of her. I turned around and stared at her for a few seconds and stuck my tongue out at her before continuing on my way. I could hear her giggled under her breath before following me.

"What class do you have?" I called out.

"English with Johnson."  

"Good, that's my first period," I said and started walking up the white granite stairs. Once we got to the second floor, I took a left and stopped at the first door on the right. I opened the door and walked into the classroom full of rowdy teens. Johnson was desperately trying to calm him down but it was no use until Jackie walked in. The room fell to a dead silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop to the floor. Guys drooled and girls stared enviously. I walked over to Johnson and quietly muttered, "This is a new student. Her names Jackie," before walking over to my desk and sitting down. My friend Leon smacked my shoulder and I yelped.

"Ow!'' I said, glaring at him, "What was that for?!" 

"One, for being late. Two, for NOT INVITING ME TO SEE MCHOTTIE WITH YOU."

I rolled my eyes and opened my English binder as the teacher introduced Jackie. She was then sent to sit behind me, as I was the one in charge of showing her around today. Leon stared as she walked past him, obviously looking at her butt. I leaned over and smacked him upside the head hard, earning a large grunt from him. "You know, you may be petite, but you sure do hit hard!" He muttered. "Wouldn't happen if you weren't such a perv,'' I said, flipping him off. "Hey, pervs are kinda hot," Jackie said. Leon grinned and winked at her, making Jackie laugh. I frowned and looked down at my book. I was slightly ticked off but my sadness overrode my anger. I knew it was too good to be true. I was destined to be alone in this godforsaken place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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