Forbidden Love: Chapter 2- All Alone

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own glee.

And this is what you missed on FL. Rachel started at NYADA and has a horrible new dance teacher. After being in New York for a few weeks she feels all alone. Can Rachel make it in the Big Apple.

Chapter 2: All Alone


It's 6:15 A.M.. I just woke up drenched in my own sweat and panting hard. That was the weirdest dream I ever had.

It started with Cassie yelling at me then she was being all nice and adorable... I mean evil and scary. All of a sudden we where kissing and it was getting hot and bothered then I woke up.


I had a wet dream about my vile-ish teacher, Cassie. What is going on with me. I'm just not going to think about it I'm going to roll over and go back to sleep.


It's now 9:00 and Kurt is calling me.

"Hey sweetie, How is New York and NYADA?"

"It's ok. I really miss you Kurt."

"I miss you to Rachel but I have to go we'll talk later ok, LOVE YOU."

With that he hung up on me. Little did I know Kurt is planning to move to New York in a couple of months. He didn't tell me about the job that he got working at


Even though Cassie and I hang out. I still feel really lonely.


As I turn around I see Cassandra standing in the doorway of the dance studio. UUuhh she noticed me notice her.

"What the hell are you doing in here Rach?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just dancing and singing to let all of this... this frustration out of my system."

"Sit down." Cassie demanded walking towards me. "What's the matter you? You've been acting strange."

"Nothing much."

"God Damn it Rachel. STOP FREAKING LYING. What's up? Talk to me?!?"

"Nothing. I just miss everyone. I wish my best friend was here. And I wish my roommate was so friendly."

"Rachel that's just how life is. You win some you lose some. It's all the same in the end."

"Cassie how can you even think like that?"

"Easy live life the way you choose."

Even as she was saying these words I could see how lonely she truly was.

We got talking and I guess we just sort of lost track of time. Because before I know my stomach is growling awfully loud.

"Hey, Rachel do you want to go get some food?" but before I could answer she added, "I'm paying."

"Sure what do you have in mind?" To me this sounded like Cassandra was asking me to go on a date.

"I was thinking....let's go to that little cafe a few blocks down."

"Okay, since you're paying." And she laughs.


Walking side by side was kind of nerve wracking. She talked to me about why she became a teacher and how she got kicked off of Broadway. I told her more about myself and how I ended up in the Big Apple. I told her how Finn and I broke up. I asked Cassie so many questions about her childhood. When Cassie got really mad or super passionate about something she was irresistibly hot. As I thought this I audibly chuckled.

"What the hell is so funny?"

"Uhh, nothing special." I replied as we entered the little cafe. was further than I originally thought it was, or we where just walking very slow. The cafe was really small it could only hold about 30 people not even.

We got a seat sort of in the back. Cassie and I kept on talking. the waiter cleared his throat and asked us what would we like?

I ordered eggplant lasagna and Cassie go a chicken caesar salad. When our food finally arrived it looked absolutely delicious. I just wanted to stuff my face. Cassie was sitting there staring at her food as if she couldn't wait to get it all in error mouth.

I picked up my fork as Cassandra did the same. Silence fell over the table as we both ate. I looked up to see Cassie with salad dressing on he face. I just wanted to lean over and lick it right off, but I quickly diminished these thoughts as Cassie looked up at me.

"Is there something on my face?"

I nod my head yes and smile sweetly. Cassie sat there trying to lick it off, I reached over to help her by wiping it off with my thumb. Her eyes held shock but it soon dissolved into longing as my hand settled on her cheek. She smiled brightly and that's when I pulled my hand away now shy from the touch.

She kept her eyes on my every move as I wiped the dressing onto the napkin and continued to look down at my lap.

"Rachel it's ok, look at me...please," she said sounding really concerned. I cautiously looked up to see her still looking at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"Rach, we're friends now right?"

"Yeah, I guess we are."

Okay I know it is a little awkward that she's my teacher but I think I kind of like her. And it isn't as if she's the first girl, well woman, I've liked. hopefully something good comes from this friendship.

We were finally getting ready to go our separate ways when Cassandra asked "Do you want to come to my apartment for a little we can watch a movie or play a game?"

I don't know what to say. Saying yes could lead us into something fun and amazing. Saying no can leave me wondering what if?

"Well Cassie I had a wonderful night..."

A/N: Sorry about that cliffhanger but I should be posting chapter 3 soon. And not like before it will actually happen this time. thanks for reading.


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