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"you know earlier in class, with sauske, his fangirls are gonna kill you" she mumbled.

i gave her a confused look.

"uchiha the boy you sat by in class day" she giggled.

" oooooooohhhhhh" i said my mouth in an 'o' shape.

"your clueless" she smiled.

"eh... i get that a lot" i mumbled hanging upside down from my swing.

she laughed.

"but i like Uchiha much better than sauske, hey did you see his hair it looks like a ducks ass" i laughed.

she laughed with me.

"were you going to do some training?" she asked motioning to my twin blades.

"hmm.. oh yeah i was but then i saw you and i thought you could use some company"i shrugged.

"i could watch" she suggested.

"you sure?" i asked sitting up.

"definatly and then maybe we can hang out at your place and we can cook supper an-" i cut her off.

"not a good idea, last time i cooked I set over half the village on fire trying to boil water!" i exclaimed standing up.

she laughed.

"okay, alright ill cook" she smiled standing up.

we headed to the trainingb grounds talking and laughing.

"so um.. i'll rain you can watch me and um... you might wanna be in a high area. Like that tree" i exclaimed looking at the tree branch six feet from the ground.

"right" she smiled before jumping up the tree.

"alright here i go"i mumbled under my breath.

I quickly made three clones and got in a fighting stance.

clone #1 ran at me. i stood calmly until she was cenimeters from me and ducked and kicked her feet out from under her.

clone #2 began to do a fire ball jutsu.

"fire sheild jutsu"i said under my breath.

as the fire ball came at me it was stopped by a orangish red wall and flew back at #2 incinerating her completely leaving #1 and #3.

                       Hinata's POV

i gasped as the fire ball flew at snow, i was about to jump and block her when someone grabbed my arm.

i gasped and looked back to see sauske focusing on snow.

i tried to pull away when i heard a yelp i quickly looked back and saw snow killed #2.

i looked at sauske confused.

"w-what a-are y-you d-doing" my shyness coming back to me.

"observing" he stated blankly.

"o-observing" i stuttered.

"shes stronger than i expected" he said a spark of admirment in his eyes.

i looked back just in time to see her jump behind #1 and #2 and stab them with her twin blades.

"don't tell i was here" sauske ordered before jumping away.

i turned back to see snow waving me to come down. i quickly climbed down carefully.

we walked up to snow's house and i gasped. when i remebered what clan the symbol on the back of her shirt was. Snow looked back at me confused.

                                                Snow's POV

"the Kora clan" she said shocked.

"hm.. oh yeah" i mumbled stareing at my clan symbol glumbly.

"sorry i didnt mean to upset you" she mumbled.

"its fine lets go" i said cheerily.

"are you sure?" she asked as i unlocked the door.

"positive" i lied.

the truth was my mom protecting me from the Uchiha and Kora clan massacure. i always blamed myself if i had just went with the man she wouldnt be dead........but then again i never would of found my father....

i shut the door behind myself and put my twin blades against the wall.

"would you like the grand tour of the my abode"i said in a weird voice.

she laughed and nodded.

"here the living room um.. not the cleanest but youll see worse as we carry on with this tour" i said pushing a pile of papers off the couch sprawling on to the coffee table.

"the kitchen.. probably  the second largest room in this place..the stove, refrigarator............ oh and my favorite... THE TOASTER!"i exclaimed hugging the toaster.

after i was done showing her around we plopped on the couch , her sitting criss-cross and me upside down my head hanging off the couch and my feet over the couch, watching Narnia while eating popcorn.

"poor lion" Hinata cried as we watched the part when the queen and her minions 'kill' Aslan.

"he lives" i spoiled.

"i hate you!" she pouted throwing a handful of popcorn at me.

"hey your picking that up" i laughed.

"im tired" Hinata yawned.

i nodded in agreement as I felt my eyes slowly closing into a nightmare filled slumber.


"snow!"my mother yrlled running up the stairs.

6 year old me turned frightened at mothers scared tone.

"mommy?" i called.

"hurry follow me we need to leave" she exclaimed grabbing my wrist and running outside.

"no mama! i left sauras!" i yelled before running back to the house and grabbing my stuffed bunny. i turned around to be face to face with a masked,blue hair, red eyed person.

i whimpered and inched away.

all of a sudden mom began to fight the stranger. after mmany kicks the man stabbed moma and she fell to the ground bleeding to death. the man looked at me and grabbed my small fragile wrist and put his other hand on my forehead. there was an instant pain and i began to whimper and scream

                                                        end of nightmare

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