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its mid afternoon, im listening to metallica and basking in the roar and growl of the beautiful vocals. there isnt a way i could be any happier than now.

music is more than just lyrics or a tune, its the combination of the two that balances the other out and creates a perfect tone. i glance over to my window to see rain droplets running down the glass. ive always thought rain was lovely, actually. i love the sound of it pattering on the roof, it reminds me that theres still life around me.

i pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth, it feels like a ribcage. the taste of regret stained my tongue and i washed it away with pennyroyal tea. tea is great because you dont have to manipulate nature to make something delicious, i never add sugar.

i stood up and looked myself in the mirror to see a teenage girl whose made it so far. i took a proud deep breath;

drop dead hideous

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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