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Amanda's POV

I study the small boy sitting across from me. After introducing ourselves and the very small conversation afterwards, his gaze had been drawn to the window and the land rolling by outside.

From my position I could see his reflection in the glass, giving me two views of his facial looks and expressions. He had soft golden curls the fell into his face more often than not and bright blue eyes that seemed to take in everything at once.

I could tell that he was in awe of the land outside. Although to me it was just more countryside, to him it seemed to be the most interesting thing.

After a few minutes of him watching outside, and me watching him, the trolley lady came by our compartment.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" She asked, smiling at us.

I begin to open my mouth when I hear Michael says, "No thanks."

I look over and see him eyeballing the cart full of goodies.

I stand and hand her a few galleons, grabbing whatever I could.

The lady smiles at us as I sit back down then she walks off to ask some of the other students.

As I pop a sherbet lemon into my mouth, Michael eyes the small stack next to me. "Take some," I tell him and gesture to the pile.

He quickly shakes his head. "No way. I couldn't!"

I roll my eyes. "Just take some. I really don't care."

He frowns but grabs the first box he gets his hand on. He turns it so the label is facing him. "Bertie Bot's Every Flavor Beans? What does it mean every flavor?"

I have to supress a smile. "Just open it and try them. They're pretty good."

He studies me then opens the box and pulls out a bean, quickly popping it into his mouth. As I watch, his face turns green and suddenly he up trying to open the window. Once he finally gets it, he's spitting out mashed up bits of bean into the wind.

After a minute, he closes the window and sits back down, his face turning back to its normal color.

I can't hold back any longer and I start laughing. "I-I'm sorry Michael. But I just couldn't resist."

Michael frowns but then slowly starts laughing with me. "That had to be the worst bean I have ever tasted. It was so bad I can't even begin to describe it's flavor."

My laughter slowly subsides and I hand him a sherbet lemon. "Here, this'll help. I promise it's good." For emphasis I pop one into my own mouth.

Michael follows my lead and as the flavor melts away the bean residue, he closes his eyes and sighs.

I frown to myself. I wonder how my parents would react to me having Michael as my friend. They're the type of pure-bloods that still disdain muggle-borns. They'd never do anything evil to them though. The most they do is scoff and frown. I guess I was lucky in that aspect.

I look at Michael and open my mouth to warn him of how my parents are. A soft snore fills the silence before I can say anything.

I shake my head and roll my eyes. My gaze ends up being drawn to the window. I find myself wondering why the country was so interesting to Michael.

The green land rushes by the window and I'm tempted to look away, but something holds my gaze. As I continue to watch, the world seems to slow. I can see a few animals walking through the flat plains. I see small streams running down the hills. I smile to myself. Now I see why Michael was so captivated.

I quickly look away and shake my head. I cross my arms and sigh. Tiredness washes over me suddenly and my eyes start to close. Before I know it, I'm asleep.


When I wake up, the sun is setting and the sky is already getting dark. I reach over and shake Michael.

"Wake up! We're going to be at school soon!"

Michael opens his eyes groggily. "Huh?"

I sigh. "School Michael. Hogwarts."

That gets him up. "We're almost there?!" There's excitement but also some nervousness in his eyes.

I nod. "Yeah. Let's get our robes on."

We quickly change, with Michael having some difficulties and me having to help him.

We sit back down, and I watch as Michael shifts in his seat. "Be still Michael. You're making me nervous and I've been ready for Hogwarts my entire life."

Michael looks at me, smiling. "Sorry Amanda. I'm just......what if I'm not able to do it? What if it turns out they got me mixed up with some other Michael King? What if I'm not actually a wizard? What if-"

I put my hand over his mouth, cutting him off midsentence. I look him straight in the eyes. "Listen to me, Michael. Dumbledore is never wrong. You are a wizard and I know you are going to be a great one too."

I move my hand, crossing my arms again. Michael sighs and looks at me gratefully. "Thank you Amanda."

I nod as I feel the train start to slow. I feel a smile stretch across my face. "We're here," I breathe out and stand up.

Michael follows my lead and I see him swallow nervously. I put my hand on his shoulder and smile at him. He smiles back and we step out of our compartment at the same time everyone else does.

We make our way off the train and look around, neither of us sure what to do. From the looks of the other first years around us, none of them did either.

Suddenly a deep voice bellows out, "First years this way!" Our group turns and gape at a man almost as tall as the train. A small voice at the front says, "Hagrid!"

I look at Michael, raising an eyebrow. He's too focused on the man to notice me though. I sigh as the giant of a man-Hagrid-begins to lead us towards the lake.

As Michael and I climb into one of the boats with a few others, he finally looks at me. "How can he be so big?" His voice is full of awe. I shrug in response.

"Let's just be quiet and watch. You're going to love this."

Michael shuts his moth and looks around at all the boats gliding silently across the water.

I watch him as Hogwarts begins to come into view. His eyes widen and his mouth slowly drops open. He grabs my arm, still gawking at the castle.

I smile and let him have his moment. I couldn't wait to see his reaction once we were actually inside the castle.

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