Chapter 1

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"How long are you going to be gone?" Liam asks as I put my final suitcase in the trunk. "I'm not sure. Maybe a couple weeks, maybe a month. It depends on how long I can stay under the radar." I answer honestly and he nods. "Australia. Why Australia?" Niall asks curiously as I shut the hatch and I shrug. "I don't know. The guys are always talking about it, and I wanted somewhere that I could be calm and peaceful. Beaches tend to have that aura." Honestly, the 5 Seconds Of Summer lads were a huge influence on this decision. I knew I wanted to go somewhere tropical, and originally I was going to go to Bora Bora, but they are constantly talking about their homeland, so I figured I would give Australia a visit.

"How do you plan on not getting spotted?" Zayn is the next to speak. "Well, I mean it's bound to happen eventually, but I just want to lay low as long as I can." He nods. "Well, we're going to miss you back here." Louis says with a small smile and I nod. "I'll miss you boys too, but I'll be back soon enough." I hug each of the boys, telling them all goodbye for now. Once I have hugged each one, I get in the back seat of the truck and it pulls off. I take out my phone and aimlessly scroll through twitter. This break is a very much needed one. I've been so tired lately, and I've been getting mobbed more than ever. I love our fans so much, but sometimes they go a bit far. I don't think they realize how scary it is to have girls clawing at you from every angle.

When the truck pulls up to the airport drop off, I get out and grab my black suitcases. I shrug my backpack on my shoulder and enter the building. People rush by, but thankfully it isn't too crowded and I don't see a lot of teenage girls. Most of them are in school right now, so my flight is at a good time. I make my weigh to the bag check and they deal with my two black suitcases. With my carry on slung on my shoulder, I make my way to security. All of my loose change, my cell phone, wallet, and shoes are put into a bin and I walk through the metal detector. Once I am cleared for security, I make my way to gate 10B. Flight 102 from Los Angeles, California to Sydney, Australia.

The waiting area for gate 10B isn't all that crowded, so I decide to get some lunch. There is a Wendy's right across the way, so I order myself some chicken nuggets and a drink. The cashier recognizes me, but she thankfully doesn't cause a scene. I tried to keep my outfit on the downside, wearing simple jean shorts, a white tank top, a fedora, and some converse. Once I have my food, I find a seat outside my gate and wait for first class boarding to be called. I decide to go on twitter again as I wait, and I send out a tweet to throw off my location. @harry_styles: Oh how I've missed London. Great to be back. I reply to a few fans as I wait, following a few as well.

When the woman finally calls that first class passengers can board, I stand and make my way over to the door. I hand her my passport and ticket, and she scans them, wishing me a comfortable flight. I make my way through the tunnel and onto the plane. I take my seat next to the window and get comfortable. My bag is placed on the floor near my feet, and I lean my head against the headrest. 15 hours away from paradise.


"Have you got everything you need, sweetheart?" Mom asks me for the eightieth time and I nod. "Yes, I do." She takes a deep breath. "You're sure? Adapter, charger, phone, clothing, bathing suits, feminine products, contact solution..." She drags on and I laugh, putting both of my hands on her shoulders. "Mom. I'll be okay. I have everything I need." She stops pacing and nods. "You have your emergency money?" I groan and nod. "Oh, my baby is going to a whole other continent without me, excuse me for being nervous." I scoff. "I'm nineteen. I'll be okay mom, and it isn't like I'm going by myself." I point out and she nods. "I know, I know."

I drag my two black suitcases down the stairs and she carries my backpack for me. "2 whole weeks without you. What will I do?" She asks over dramatically and I laugh. "Well, you'll probably work, and knit, and you know, the usual." She smiles. "I'm going to miss you, my love." I nod as she hugs me again. "I'll miss you too mom." She gets me a bottle of water as we wait for Mariana and Maya. They are both coming here, and my mom is driving us to the airport. "What is the emergency number in Australia?" My mom quizzes me and I roll my eyes. I feel like a kindergartner, but I know its just because she cares. "000" She nods. "Okay. And you call me if you need anything. I don't care about the time difference, do you understand?" I nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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