Beat the Heat

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The sun was beating down through my window and onto my bed where I lay on top of the covers. It was one of those 'too hot to do anything' days; the temperature was 108 degrees and still rising.

I had made plans a few days ago to hang out with my best friend, Matthew, today but it seemed as if it was too hot for him to even come over for a swim in my backyard pool. I hadn't talked to him recently, but I assumed that he would he staying inside in the nice and cool, air conditioned comfort of his own home.

Though it was summer break for me, my parents still had to go in to work at their doctor's office; my mom was a nurse and my father was the owner and the best doctor in Los Angeles. It was quite boring staying home alone every day in the summer, but often times I'd spend the day with Matt, who was my only true friend, honestly.

Suddenly my bedroom door flung open to reveal my very sweaty best friend. He had to have walked over to my house, seeing as he didn't own a car because he wasn't old enough to drive legally. While he lived only a few neighborhoods over, it was still dangerously heated outside and it worried me that he had been outside for long.

He pulled off his tank too and wiped his forehead to remove the sweat that resided above his brow bone.

"What are you doing here? It's way to hot for you to have been out there," I stated, furious that he had put himself in danger of dehydration to see me.

"I was bored and we made plans to hang out a few days ago, didn't want to let you down I guess," he answered matter-of-factly.

I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to pour him a glass of fresh, ice-cold lemonade. Shoving the glass at him, he thanked me and drank quickly.

"Want to go sit in the pool," I asked him, hoping- for more than one reason- that he would agree.

For the past few months I had found myself becoming increasingly attracted to Matt even though he was my best friend and I knew he didn't share the same feelings. I knew that if he agreed to swim I would get the chance to see his muscular, toned chest, but I also hoped that he would agree simply so that he could cool down some.

He lifted me, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me out to the pool, then threw me in to the deepest area where the water was slightly over 10 feet deep. I tread to keep myself afloat; I had always been a good swimmer since I joined the YMCA swim team at the young age of four.

"Matty," I whined, "why did you do that to me?"

He chuckled and jumped in next to me causing the water to splash my face. I grabbed his shoulders and held him under the surface for a few seconds and then let him back up, not having intentions of actually hurting him.

"Get on my back, (y/n)!"

I knew that he wanted to swim under the water with me on his back; he was a show off, but secretly I liked it. I had to pretend to be annoyed though so that he wouldn't be able to tell that I liked him, a lot.


After several hours of swimming and lounging in the pool together, I checked my phone to see one missed call from each of my parents. It had only been a few minutes since they had called, so I redialed my mother's number. She answered after two rings.

"Hey, mom, sorry I missed your call. Matthew came over and we've been swimming for a few hours. What's up?"

"Your dad and I have to go out of town for at least tonight, there was an emergency in San Fran, they need our help. We're on our way out there now, so do you think you'll be alright for the night without us?"

I figured I'd just see if Matty wanted to stay over since I didn't really feel that comfortable being home alone over night, but I knew not to tell my mother my plan. She knew that Matt and I were best friends and her and my dad liked him a lot, but I wasn't sure how my dad would feel about us having a sleepover when they weren't home; after all, Matty was still a guy even if he was my best friend since birth.

"Sure, I'll be fine. I'll just order a pizza or something for dinner and I'll be good to go."

After saying goodbye to my mom I gave Matt a sneaky smile. He knew something was up because he'd been sitting next to me while I talked to my mom, but he was still unaware of my plan.

"What's that look for," he asked suspiciously.

"Well my parents are going to be out of town tonight, and you know how I feel about staying home alone over night. Can you stay, just for tonight? Please, Matty," I begged him, knowing that he wouldn't want to dishonor my parents.

I wasn't even technically sure that my parents wouldn't let him stay over, but I didn't want to take any chances, so I figured that it would be safer this way.

He got a look in his eyes like he was going to say that he didn't think it was a good idea, so I moved in closer and kissed his cheek, but instead of pulling away quickly, like usual, I let my lips linger a little longer than normal. I felt him smile, and I knew that I had done my job.

"I guess so, but only because I don't want you to be scared," he said, finally giving in.

It was never difficult to persuade Matt to do what I wanted. While I knew that he didn't have feelings for me, it was still easy to convince him by flirtation; I was aware of how Matt's mind worked, it was similar to that of any other guy in that sense.

"Thank you, Matty," I said in a sickeningly sweet voice, "you're the best, best friend ever."

He shot me an annoyed gaze, but his harsh look quickly retreated to a smile after he saw me as happy as ever. It was hard for Matt to stay annoyed with me; he loved it when I was happy just as much as I loved when he was.

"You're harder to stay mad at, you know that, (y/n)?"

"Maybe you just like me too much to get mad. Did you ever think of that, Matthew Lee?"

I used his middle name just to push his buttons. He claimed that he didn't like to be called Matthew Lee, but I thought it was cute, so I often used it against his will. Typically he would pretend to be angry, but I could always tell that he liked it when I said it.

"Why do you call me that? You know I don't like it, (y/f/&/m/n)," he said, getting revenge by using my own middle name, which I also didn't like unless it was him using it.

"I call you Matthew Lee because it's cute, just like I call you Matty, and I know you like that, so don't even try to deny it!"

"Whatever, (y/n), you can call me anything you want."


Hello there, everyone! I hope you enjoyed the first part of my new Matthew Espinosa fanfiction. You may be familiar with my Joey Graceffa fanfiction, which is my first story here on wattpad. If you haven't read my JG fanfic and would like to, click on my profile, then go to my works, and it's my only other story as of now.

Stay tuned, I'll be posted updates ASAP.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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