Chapter 2

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~Brett's P.O.V~

People screamed and cried, knowing that their fate was near.

"Look, Kid, we need to get you on a boat!" The man who carried, who I found out his name was Garrison, me away from my father yelled at me as he tugged on the hem of my t shirt.

"MOMMY?!" You turned to see a little boy standing in the middle of a herd of people. He had a tear stained face, and what looked like a small teddy bear in his hands.

"Do you want to live or not kid?!" Garrison yelled at me

I looked him in the eyes and walked toward the boy. Garrison shouted at me saying that I was insane. I didn't care. I wanted to help this boy find his mom...if she was still alive. Now I know this isn't smart, considering that I could potentially get me and the boy killed, but if his mother was still alive, I wanted to find her.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm going to help you find your mom." I cooed as the boy whipped his tears.

"What's your name?" I asked him, gently stroking his blonde hair.

"M-my name is Toby." He said shaking

"T-toby?" He nodded his head and I felt tears brim the corners of my eyes.

"Ok Toby. We are going to find your mom." The boy sniffled and I saw his face show gratitude.

I asked him what his mother looked like and he said that she has long blonde hair, is wearing a light purple dress, with white shoes with flowers on them. The whole way we looked for his mom I tried to distract him with questions so he would think less about the chaos happening right before us. I learned that he is 3, his favorite color is green, and he loves cats. All was okay until I had to set him down I a barrel, so I could go out in the open. I saw a woman crushed underneath a rock. I hoped it wasn't her....but I saw small threads of blood covered blonde hair, a purple dress, and white shoes with flowers on them...The tears came to my eyes again. What was I going to tell him? I drop to my knees and begin to breath heavy. I begin to punch at the ground.

"WHY?! WHY YOU SONS OF BITCHES?! HE IS JUST A LITTLE BOY! HE NEEDS HIS MOTHER!!" as I send one final punch to the ground, I hear a crack come from my hand, followed by a wave of extreme pain. I grip the injured hand with the in harmed one and I feel the ground begin to step...then another...then another...The sun is now blocked and I looked up to see a titian. I sit shocked until I think about Toby...I have to save him... I get up and begin running as fast as my legs could carry me. Of coarse the titian is nearly stepping on me, but I manage to avoid it by taking twists and turns down streets I have never been down before until I reach the barrel Toby is in. I rush him out and I run him, all the way to where the boats are....or where. The last one just left and people are shouting and screaming, begging the scouts to at least take their children. I'm to late. I killed us both. I should have just grabbed the boy and jumped on the boat-...wait...jump? I look up to see that the boats aren't moving very fast, but they are extremely high up. Maybe if I could just make it to a higher place...I could make it.

~3rd person P.O.V~

Brett carries Toby to a nearby ledge object, and covered Toby's face.

"I'm going to keep you safe Toby." she said.

Many people watched as they assumed she was going to jump to her death. Scouts begged her not to jump but she only ignored their arrogant voices. She was determined to keep herself and this little boy safe from the horrific world. Brett neared the very end, then jumped. She seamed to go in slow motion as Brett tossed Toby on deck, who was caught by a nearby man. Brett was not so lucky. She hung dangling from the side of the boat, arms weak from carrying Toby for so long.

"Damnit Brett I swear to the heavens if you don't pick up the pace!"

"I'm sorry I'm so hard on you, but I know you can do it!"

"You are strong! You are beautiful! You will make it in this world! I love you!"

Her fathers words rung in her head as she pulled and pulled her self up. No one bothered to help, seeing it as she was going to die anyways. Brett became angry at the people on boat, but she didn't yell, she didn't cry out for help, she used the anger to pull herself up. As she eventually kicked her leg above the side of the boat and fell in, she lay there panting, confused on how and why she did that. She wasn't the only one who thought this of coarse. Everyone had saw it. Everyone thinking she was going to fall to her death...but she didn't. Brett didn't have much time to be proud of herself as she remembered Toby.

"Toby?! Where are you Toby!?" Brett sat up as the small boy ran up and hugged her.

~Time skip~

~Brett's P.O.V~

We eventually arrived at wall Rose and people hurriedly ran off the boats, for finding a place to shelter would prove to be difficult and scares. I grabbed Toby's hand and lead him off the boat. We began to walk to a secluded part of town, when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see a girl and two boys who seemed to be around my age, maybe a little younger. One bot had Brown hair and beautiful green eyes, the other had baby blue eyes and blonde hair. The girl had long black hair, and almost black eyes. The girl was the one who tapped my shoulder, but the blonde boy was the one to ask a question.

"First of I want to say I'm Armin Arlert." He stuck out his and I shook it.

"I'm Brett Jackson." I replied with almost no emotion on my face or in my words

The other two introduced themselves as Eren Jaeger, and Mikasa Ackerman. The two asked me about the boat jumping and if Toby was my brother or something. I simply told them that we just had to live and that Toby wasn't related to me at all. I told them the story of how I found him and that I discovered his mother was dead. I don't really feel comfortable conversating anymore and I walk away. I may have come off as rude but at this point in this horrific game we call life, I didn't care. I took Toby to one of the very few shelters that they had. I told Toby to stay there while I went to go get food. Armin, Eren, and Mikasa found me as I began to make my way back to Toby with food. I wasn't to keen on talking to the boys but I felt comfortable around Mikasa. She wasn't like the boys. I mean they weren't on my bad side or anything, its just..I felt like Mikasa and I had more in common. We heard a ruckus coming from the direction of Eren and Armin. A random scout had Eren by the collar, shouting in his face about the outside world and shit. I don't know what made me do it but I walked up to the scout and placed a hand on his shoulder. The man loosened his grip on Eren, but not fully. I looked the guy dead in the eye, then punched him in the jaw. Like I said. I have no idea why I did it. The scout had fully let go of Eren, but soon replaced his empty hands with the collar of my shirt.

~3rd person P.O.V~

As the man grabbed her collar, Brett felt anger towards the man. She kept her face still and clear of emotion as she grabbed one of his hands, twisted his arm, then swiped her foot underneath of his. The man fell to the floor with a groan and Brett simply walked to the place she had dropped the food. She picked it up in her arms as she heard someone call out to her.

"Hey Brett!" She turned to see Eren

"You should really think about becoming a recruit. You seem perfect for it." Eren had a huge smile on his face, but a wave of sadness washed over you, realizing that it was year you would join the scouts and make your father proud. You would make everyone proud. No matter the cost.

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