Summoner fan fic part two

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Just before the first golem snatched me the door opened. Some one yanked my collar puuling me in, and suddenly I was face to face with my uncle.

He looked happy when he saw me, this made me scared because I knew he couldn't overlook the sadness on my face.

He quickly tossed me onto some old beat up couch grabbed a bulky belt off the arm rest and bolted out the door.

Then I saw his huge...... griffen? I never knew he oened a griffen. I wiped my eyes and there still was a griffen. I rushed outside for a better look and there stood a huge griffen next to a gargoyle.

The three golems were circleing the two powerful demons. It was like ring around the rosy beside, there were ten foot golems. They circled daring my uncle to make a move.

What seemed like forever, and what was realy a minute or two a golem lurched at my uncles griffen, in which sidestepped and slammed into it knocking it to the ground.

With the golem on the ground the gargoyle and griffen charged at the remaining two golems.

One dodged the swift attack while the other flew across the battlefield. The standing golem tackled the gargoyle, and all were tumbling to the ground. Evan the griffen.

The first golem to fall by this time was up and charging at my uncle! With a quick move, the gargoyle, in a stone form, tripped the golem in which tumbled to the ground.

Another golem came up from behind and body slammed the gargoyle.

Then as quick as lightning my uncles made and shot a lightning spell at his human opponment. He was thrown back. The griffen then flung up claw over the humans throat. slootch his neck split into two and his head rolled over by me.

Then all three golems charged at my uncle. There was no person alive to enforce this power but they charge slamming into my uncle, he flew several yards and I chased after him.

"Kid, you must know, the world is a dangerous place for you now." My uncle coughed "Find someone who can protect you because they.... They are after young summ..... summoners." The blood kept flowing and all that was left was me sobbing. Laying on my uncle. And I knew my life had changed.

There it is my summoner short story, hope you enjoyed.

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