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~The Dragon's Turn To Be Looked After~

Mal is sick and Evie is the only one who cares enough to help.

Evie skipped to her and Mal's dorm with a dorky smile on her face. She was coming back from a date with Doug. Well, the last one if he isn't persistent even though he knows she's gonna say no. You see, Evie broke up with Doug because, well, she feels something for someone else. And she wasn't a cheater anymore like on the Isle. Evie opened the door and stopped in her tracks when she saw what was inside. Mal was lying in her bed, tissues on the floor beside the bed. She hadn't even bothered getting out of her pyjamas.

"Hey E," Mal croaked out. Her nose was red and her eyes were closed. Her half- finished homework was on the table, her lunch looking untouched.

"Mal," Evie sympathetically said, shrugging her leather jacket off and walked over to Mal's bed, crouching down so their faces were level.

"Jay and Carlos came in earlier, wanting to see you," Mal flatly stated, opening her eyes lazily, her usual vibrant green eyes dull. Of course, Evie already knew Jay and Carlos were looking for her. They'd found her and asked for dating advise, 'Not for us two, but you know, for our friend' as Jay said, although, Evie knew eventually the two boys would get together. She'd already planned their wedding for them.

"I know," Evie commented after a while, brushing a few loose purple stands out of Mal's face, her skin looking paler than usual. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, brilliant, I could face the world," Mal sarcastically answered, a faint smile appearing on her face.

"Yeah, sure you can," Evie commented, getting up and walking over to the untouched food on the table. She brought it over to Mal, who shuffled backwards away from the food. "You have to eat something."

"I don't want to," Mal pouted, putting her hands under her pillow, brushing the spine of her spell book.

"Oh, come on Mal, on the Isle you had the excuse not to eat, but here we've got tones of food, so eat."

"Nope. Not going to happen, nada, nope," Mal stubbornly refused, pushing the sandwich Evie was holding out to her away. Evie sighed before putting to food on her bedside table, walking to the door.

"See you later."

"Where are you going?" Mal asked, Evie stopping with her hand on the door knob.

"Going out," Evie blankly answered, hiding her smirk, knowing she's got Mal wrapped around her little finger.

"No your not," Mal flatly stated, quietly creeping out of bed and sneaking behind Evie. She'd hadn't turned around from her position with her hand on the door knob and her back to Mal.

"And how are you going to stop me?" Evie questioned before feeling arms around her waist, Mal's chin resting on her shoulder.

"Because I know you won't leave me defenceless against my sickness," Mal exaggerated, smiling when she saw Evie's hand drop off the door handle.

"Fine," Evie commented, turning around and pushing Mal back to bed. "But only if you sleep."

"I've been a sleeping dragon all day, princess, can I at least get a hug?" Mal asked, sitting upright in her bed. Evie rolled her eyes sarcastically before sitting beside Mal, wrapping her arms around Mal's shoulders.

"Happy?" Evie asked, Mal hugging her back.

"I don't know," Mal answered before quickly lifting Evie over to the other side of the bed and put a pillow over her face. "Hmm, I wonder where Evie went," She exaggeratedly said before she heard muffled laughing from under the pillow. Evie tugged the pillow off, the dorky smile back on her face.

"I thought you were meant to be sick," Evie giggled, finding Mal's and hers face only centimetres away. Mal smiled but didn't answer, them falling into a comfortable silence. 'All I have to do is lean forward a little and then Doug's breakup was for something,' Evie thought, tilting her head slightly. Mal started giggling for no reason and that set off Evie until they both became little balls of giggles.

"Mal, have you ever thought about dating someone apart from Ben?" Evie asked, shifting so she was laying on her side. Mal had her back to her, breathing evenly. "Mal?" Evie asked, shuffling closer and peering over her shoulder. Mal was a deep sleeper, Evie knew that, but Mal didn't just sleep straight after laughing until she couldn't breathe with her best friend. 'This sickness is really doing something to her, like how her nose looks cuter when its red than normal,' Evie knew that, if she was actually not sick she wouldn't let Evie do this to her but, she couldn't help but wrap an arm around the smaller girls waist, resting her head on Mal's shoulder.

She was pretty sure the two started like likeing each other about then.

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