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Hello im christopher,Maruice Twin We're two Minutes apart. Im The good one. Ever Since They Took the blame out on maurice he haven't been the same since. I know he is up to know good..but I cant let him know that...because if he catches me then ill be stuck in his trap.

But why would he try to Get at me ive never did a thing to him. Im Curious Why Though. I have to find out or More than me will end up hurt

As I look around for clues,or things that will lead me to what he is up to I came across a picture of me and him when was little I smiled and shaked my head

"You've Gotten more mature now haven't you?"

As I Jumped to the voice behind me

I know,who voice it was but it shocked me

as I turned around

there he was standing

With an Evil grin upon his,face

I know he,was up To know good

I had to Find,out what was going on

Or we Both end up Dead Or both

In Trouble

The good&the bad ? Chris brown A.UWhere stories live. Discover now