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Warning- Content may not be suitable for young children or those who get scared easily. If there are only certain terrifying chapters, there will be a warning.

So, you may be thinking: Wow. This is unexpected. Why release a horror book in the middle of June. I have a reason.

Call me superstitious, but I can't stand going to public bathrooms alone. Like, if it has one toilet and stuff, I'm fine. But if it's a multiple stalled bathroom and no one is in there, I use the restroom quickly and I DON'T take the time to wash my hands, I just sanitize or something.

Anyway, today at play practice one of the stalls was closed, there was no one in there, and I was alone. As I was doing my business, I heard the tapping of a foot which was not mine. So I rushed out without washing my hands and sanitized once I got back into the auditorium.

I thought, jeez that was scary, and went back on Watt because I wasn't on stage. I was writing my other book War on Reality (make sure to read that! Epicness is coming up and I only have 3 views!) and I had a light bulb, O wanted to write a horror book. So
here it is. It may not be scary, BUT IM TRYING!

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