chapter 2

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There it was. a massive black crow with four beaming red eyes. as it spread its huge wings,it let out an ear busting screech.  eli covered his ears,which begin to ring abit. " this isnt happening right now..wait a second they must be filming a movie here..why didn't i hear about this? anyway, nice robot.  i guess they wanted me to be in the movie sweat. " he smiled.

the crow flew in front of him,screeching in his face this time." man...i didnt know robots could have such a shitty smell to their breath. hell,i didn't know robots had a breath. "

the crow had an " what the fuck" look on his face.  " seriously...seriously?  lord clyde wanted me to fetch a chomp like this? knock,knock!  hello! im not a damn robot you stupid human.!!" it snapped

Eli's eyes lid up." whoa! a shit talking robot!"

the crow grew angry with the human boy and pined him down with his talons." listen human,im not a it? "

fluid begin to run down Eli's nose and sniffed it back into his nostrils. " ok...your not a robot..but perhaps you are an- "

" no,im not a damn molester either.  for the sake of this world ..why was you choosen? such a careless human.." the crow slapped his forehead with his and stepped off. eli

" chosen?  chosen for what." eli sat up on his butt and looked at the crow,utterly lost.

the crow balled his wing and patted his thoart. " dear Eli, you have been summoned to hell by the lord of hell! the king of demons and creepers! lord clyde!" he declared .

" uh huh,so you mean the devil invited me to hell. thanks or no already in one hell!" eli stood up and started to walk towards the gates." teh,is he kidding me right now. im not getting involved in any shit."

" gosh..stubborn worm." with a flap of his wings he flew to eli and scooped him up like a fish." sorry chomp,i told the boss man I'll being ya." he flew up in the air some,than started to dive down at a rapid speed

" HOLD THE HELL UP YOU CRAZY BIRD! " eli shouted." why are you heading for the ground?! we are going to die! !"

the crow ignored him by the"big wheels keep on turning, proud Mary keeps on burning!  diving,diving, diving into hell. do-do-do-do yow!"

as the kept diving towards the ground, it begin to split in half. they continue down the ground. poor scared eli had his eyes close,saying all kinds of bull crap.

" alright you scary puss, your going to be fine. open your eyes.."

eli slowly open his eyes,seeing a bright,huge city down below. " this is..hell?!"

" sure is bud,but it doesn't get better than this city.  welcome to Avria, the home of our lord!"

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