The Girl in the Woods

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The little, five year old girl was sitting there crying in her now muddy, ivory dress. Then a glow is behind her on her lift side. And a hand, of a man, in an ivory cloak touches her left shoulder but, to her if feels like a cold tingling. The man says, " Child do not cry, for I am with you always. Seek and you shall find, ask and you shall receive." And with that the glow dis appeared but a light in the far distance appeared and the young girl had stopped crying and asked, "Father?". She got up and started walking towards the light, going around trees and over their roots sticking out of the ground. She started walking faster and faster until she started running. She was running too fast and tripped over a root sticking out of the ground but, she got up again and walked to the light again. When she was close to it she started to get slower and slower hesitant of what it might do. She stopped behind a pine tree shyly looking at it afraid of the unknown. Then came the man's voice again, "My beloved child don't be afaid. You are too precious to my heart to be any harm to you." The young girl walked up to the light until she was four inches away. And it spoke again, "You have seeked for me and you have found me. But what is it that you want to ask?" The young girl replied, "I ask if I can be with my father?" The voice chuckled and said, "Your heart is reastless. I am with you always. In your prayers we have talked. You are not ready to come home. Spread the word about me and My Father and you shall see me one day, in My Kingdom, The Kingdom of Heaven. I am the light of the world. I love you my precious child. Always have always will. I am slow to anger, I made you and I want to spend eternity with you." With that the light and the voice were gone and the young girl was starring ahead into the dark forest.

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