Still Can't Believe It.

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Hack-A-DeAndre: KD I have formally decided to veto your offer to sign with the warriors.

Durantula: Well, I have formally decided to veto the whole entire clippers team since they cannot make it out of the second round of the playoffs.

DrayAllDay: SHIIIIÍT 😭😭😭😭

UncleDrew: Chill whicha lil aśs KD 💀

DeMarioKart: KD cold as ice today 🙄🤐

BoogieInMyNose: I still can't believe you're on the damn Warriors now smh

Durantula: 🤷🏿‍♂️

MeloYellow: Y'all annoying as hell.

PG13: You always bítchin about somethin.

KyLowKnows: Guys we play Argentina today.

CountryBoyJimmy: So exciting 😴

DrayAllDay: We gotta play Manu Ginobili's old foreign aśs.

MeloYellow: He ain't retired yet?

KlayBoyPlayBoy: No, Melo. 😐

HarrisonBarnes&Nobles: Good God. 😷

DrayAllDay: I'm surprised your old dusty aśs ain't retired.

Durantula: ^^^ truuuuu

MeloYellow: Yo jump shot wack.

DrayAllDay: Yo career statistics are wack. 😴

BoogieInMyNose: Gotdamn 😳

UncleDrew: Good news Dray! Now that KD's on your team you can now do this to any of his ex-teammates!

UncleDrew: Good news Dray! Now that KD's on your team you can now do this to any of his ex-teammates!

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PG13: No chill 😳😂😭

DeMarioKart: Oh shít 💀

DrayAllDay: Do me a favor and drink a gallon of bleach. 🙄

UncleDrew: Would you like some fries with that salt? 🤷🏾‍♂️

KyLowKnows: 😂😂😂😂😂

HarrisonBarnes&Nobles: Who picked these group message names? Why am I named after a book store? 😒

BoogieInMyNose: Because it goes perfectly with your name, dumbáss.

KyLowKnows: DeMar's name is my favorite

Hack-A-DeAndre: Of course it is. 😴

DeMarioKart: I ain't gonna lie, mine is pretty clever.

Durantula: This is all I picture when I see DeMar's iMessage name pop up

Durantula: This is all I picture when I see DeMar's iMessage name pop up

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DrayAllDay: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

UncleDrew: KD tf is wrong with you 😭😭😭

BoogieInMyNose: 😩😩😩😩😩😩

Hack-A-DeAndre: I want to vote for a name change 😒

MeloYellow: Maybe if you didn't shoot free throws like this, then it would be different.

MeloYellow: Maybe if you didn't shoot free throws like this, then it would be different

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PG13: MELO CHILL 😭😭😭😂😂😂

KlayBoyPlayBoy: Oh shít 😂

DrayAllDay: It's true tho DJ 😇

Durantula: 🤐🤐🤐🤐

Hack-A-DeAndre: Snakes.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! If you haven't already, go check out my new Kevin Durant fic called Blessings! It would mean so much to me! Thank youuu! 💖


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