Chapter 1 - Grammy's

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(Elizabeth POV)

"Elizabeth! it's starting!" I hear mum yell from downstairs as my head shoots up from the book I was reading. "COMING!" I yell back quickly as I slam 'The Book Thief' closed and throw it on the bed beside me as I haul myself up.

I run out of my room and down the stairs as fast as I could, the sound of my feet booming against the wooden stairs echoes throughout the whole house as I almost fall over on the wooden floor, my socks making it slippery.

I skid around the corner to see my dad, mom and little sister Stella sitting on the couch together, the TV blasting music as they watch the Grammy's.

I smile widely as I hear the host say her name.. "Ladies and gentlemen, Katy Perry!" I run around the couch and jump onto it beside mum as she giggles and moves over to make room for me.

I smile as Katy's blonde hair comes into view, her beautiful blue eyes covered by rose colored glasses.

Surprisingly, she didn't look nervous, usually I can tell if she is because she tenses the muscles in her neck or she grips the microphone tightly, but she seemed extremely calm and collected.

You then hear the music of 'Chained to the rhythm' start, I love this song so much...

I grin widely as I see the white looking suit she is wearing, she looks very beautiful! I then notice the arm band she is wearing, I tilt my head slightly as I read what it says.

"Presist? what does that mean?" I ask as I turn to mom, Mom looks back at me with a small smirk, "Presist means, well kind of like... you've got an opinion and..." She takes a slight pause as she tries to think about an easy way to explain this to me.

"No matter how much people tell you your opinion is wrong, you stick by it, and fight through the opposition" She says smiling down at me, "So Katy has an opinion that someone is telling her is wrong?" I say frowning.

Angela laughs as she puts her arm around me, "Honey, your Aunty has an opinion for everything, and there are millions of people that disagree, but it doesn't matter because that's her opinion, not anyone else's" mom says kissing me on the forehead.

"So what opinion is making her wear that arm band?" I ask as I look back at Katy who is now walking behind a large white fence.

"It's a bit to complex to explain, but you'll be old enough to understand one day" mom replied, "old enough? I'm already 16" I said as she giggles.

"I'm pretty sure Katy is fighting a political opinion, but you don't need to worry about politics at the moment" she said as she leans back deeper into the sofa and continues to watch Katy.

Eww.. politics... that's one thing I dread dealing with once I'm 21... voting and having to chose who our country is lead by.

But eh, I don't have to worry about that yet.

"You better go and get ready for work honey, you start in 10 minutes, I'll have to drive you" Dad said leaning past mom to look at me.

"I will once Katy's performance is over" I said with pleading eyes.

"It's recording, you can finish watching it tonight" mom said as dad nods in agreement.

"Fine" I huff in annoyance as I stand up before giving a small roll of my eyes.


"Ah, 5 minutes late, what is that? A new record?" I hear an annoying female voice as I step into the staff room of the bakery.

"Shut up" I said smirking at Bec who was sitting on the couch smirking at me.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Bec, my bestest and oldest friend.

"What's the excuse gonna be this time aye?" She said as I chuck my bag in the locker and pull my apron out.

"I was watching Katy, she was performing on the grammy's" I said as I throw the apron over my head and tie it around my waist.

"Oh yeah! I remember you telling me that, I'd ask how she went but I already know she smashed it" Bec giggled at me.

"Hell yeah she did" I laugh along with her, "I'll catch you out there when you finish your break" I said winking at her before stepping through the wooden door leading into the main part of the bakery.

"Look who decided to show up" Oli laughed as he chucked me a bottle of spray and a cloth.

"Hey, I'm here ain't I" I say shaking my head as he pulls out some loaves of bread from the oven.

I walk out to the first table and give it a quick spray and wipe down.

I notice on the table beside me someone left there paper bag scrunched up on it, I mean... there are bins for a reason people.

As I walk over to pick it up I notice a magazine on the cover. I wouldn't have cared except the front page title caught my eye.

'Bloom and Perry engaged?' I frown as my eyes focus on a picture of them both together in some sort of restaurant....

I pick it up slowly as I read the small part in the front, surly they wouldn't be engaged... Katy would have told us.

I chuck the magazine back down on the table, knowing Katy would be mad that I was reading about her, she hates the idea of us believe what people say in the tabloids...

I shake it off, it's not true, she would have told us.

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