A creepypasta story ((can't think of title))

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I was wondering around the streets as usual and heard a scream coming from someone's household so I went up to the door and knocked on the door, no answer so I looked for a spare hidden key like there always is and unlocked the door and walked in to find the door close behind me. I didn't jump like a normal person would do, until I heard a blood curdling scream which made my ears ache when then I raged and yelled out "for fucks sake, shut the fuck up mate it's so fucking annoying with the fucking screams that I can hear from fucking miles away, fucking hell just rot in a fucking hole and die already,fuuck" I yelled out with an irritated voice, hoping the owner to the house heard me. I looked around and went to the kitchen and grabbed one of the kitchen knives and carried my way upstairs. I looked in the first room, nothing, so I went on till I went to the master bedroom and it was slightly open so I slid my hand round the corner turned on the light and went in to see, well really I saw blood smeared on the walls and two people dead. As I opened the door I saw the bodies then I said "lol nope, wrong room sorry I'll just umm leave you be...dead" and I exited and closed the door, all I heard was the sound of laughter which when I hear someone laugh it gets contagious and I start laughing myself. I laughed a little bit trying to stop myself from laughing but that only made it worse, I looked around to see who was laughing and said "umm hello, could you please just like stop fucking laughing, it makes me laugh" I laughed a little before the laughing got louder 'hmm he must of gotten closer to me, fuck he's making me laugh more and louder' I thought.

I was suddenly pulled back with a hand over my mouth followed by someone saying 'shhh' the hand was pulled away from my face and I turned around to see a guy with blood all over his white hoodie and a knife in his hand, he was laughing and looking at me, 'talk about awkward silence' I thought, so I decided to say something "oh fab, it was you laughing, mate can you like stop, it's fucking annoying" I said with a harsh tone in my voice. "I can't help it" he said harshly "uhh huh sure, you look like someone who likes gore and all that fucking shit" I said, he looked like he was about to say something but didn't so I said something instead "meh whatevs, you gonna kill me or what", he laughed and I heard a noise from behind me and turned to see nothing but boy did I make a mistake on doing dat. He grabbed me and held a knife up to my neck and said "never turn your back on a killer" "whatevs, do I really look like a give a fuck, anyways I need to get home to some video games" I replied to him, "why arnt you frightened, all my victims are frightened" he questioned, "meh probs cause I know way too fucking much about killing and killers and video games, especially the gruesome games and uhh yeah" I told him really fucking calmly. He then pushed the knife up digging it into my throat making me bleed "umm excuse me but is that right there pennywise, pennywise the dancing clown aka IT" I said pointing to the window "what, who's pennywise?" He asked sternly "oh you know pennywise hehe the fucking dancing clown from the movie IT, 'they float they all float' he says, fucking hell, clowns give me the creeps, am I talking too much if I am just tell me or just slit mah throat" I responded a bit too long I think heh, "shut up and do me a fucking favour and GoToSleep" he said and stabbed the knife a bit deeper into my neck when he stopped. 'Why must I be so short for my age' I thought "huh, wha" I said, the lights were flashing and my phone was buzzing, I took out my phone and threw it at the wall seeing as it had a picture of my worst fear as the background "fucking fuck bullshit cunt hoe motherfuck" I cursed aloud whilst throwing my phone at the wall nearly smashing it.

A creepypasta story ((can't think of title))Where stories live. Discover now