Chapter 10 *Just One Mistake is all it will take*

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No One Pov

"Mom I cant believe you are here"Nick said hugging Melanie
And she's hugging him back

"Oh my god you grow up"She said than she pull away and put her both hands on his cheeks

"You are so handsome"She said than hugged him again

"Can I have a hug now"Kai said than she pull away and kai hugged nick

"Finally you are taller"Kai said than pull away

"We have to find hope"Nick said

"We will I promise"kai said

"I hope she's ok"Nick said

Hope opened her eyes

"Hey little mikaelson"Jackson said

"You killed Nick"She said crying

"We don't need him , we need you"

"Stay away from me"She said moving away

"Ariana"Jackson said than ariana came

"What? Oh she's awake"She said with a smile

"Hey hope remember me"Ariana said

"The annoying bitch"Hope said

"I am not annoying"Ariana said

"Actually she's kind right"Jackson said

"Get out Jackson"Ariana said than Jackson left the room

"Dont you ever say those words about me ever again"Ariana said

"She's awake"Sonny said entering the room

"Who you?"Hope asked

"I am the queen of all the sirens"Sonny said

"Just say your name idiot"Ariana said

"I am not idiot I am sonny the queen....."She didn't finish her words

"Blah blah blah no One cares"Ariana said

"What do you want from me?"Hope said

"There is someone helping us , while he was doing the spell to bring us back he went to a magic Coma so he want your powers so he can wake up and bring us back"ariana said

"And that is gonna kill you"sonny said


"She's In a club"Davina said

"Club?"Klaus asked

"Why did they took her to a club.?"Hayley asked

"I don't know"Davina said

"Where is this club?"Melanie asked

"Here in New Orleans"Davina said

"Lets go then"Nick said

"No you not going anywhere"Melanie said

"I can't stay here , I can't leave hope like this"Nick said

"I'll go get her"Klaus said than about to leave

"No you not going alone"Melanie said

"I am coming She's my daughter"Hayley said

"I am coming too"Kai said

"Me too"Kol and rebekah and Davina and Elijah said

"You all going and not me"Nick said

"Nick.."Melanie said

"I am a little kid anymore I am going"Nick said

"Then let's go guys"Kai said than they left

"This is so bad"Melanie said

"This is a good plan"Klaus said

"I feel like something bad gonna happen"Melanie said

"Please don't say that"Klaus said

"he's coming"Melanie said than Klaus kissed her they kept making out

Jackson walked pass them

"Thank god"Melanie said pulling away

"Guys I saw Jackson walking pass you"Kai said coming behind Klaus with Rebekah

"He thought that two drunk couple making out don't worry"Melanie said

"Where is the others?"Klaus asked

"Hayley and Elijah in the back looking , Davina and kol outside ,Davina making a spell so they won't leave , Nick is in a  cloaking Spell"Kai said than Nick Appear next to kai

"I am here"Nick said

"Did you find anything?"Klaus asked

"I found a door but it's locked"Nick said

"Okay let's go"Melanie said

They walked to the door

"Its locked"Nick said than Klaus break the lock with his hand

"Cool"Kai said than Klaus opened the door

There was a hallway and a lot of doors

"More doors great"Melanie said

"Okay let's spilt"Klaus said

Klaus opened the first door and there was nothing

And the other start opening more doors

Klaus get out of the room and went to another door

When he opened the next door he saw a covan

"Please don't be hope"Klaus whispers than he opened the covan

"What the hell"He said

"Melanie!"Klaus yelled than Melanie came

"What?"She asked

She walked to the covan and looked what was inside it

"Alex? They took him too?"Melanie said than the door closed by itself

Melanie walked to the door but it was locked

She kept pushing the door but it won't open

"What the hell"Melanie said

"Klaus the door won't open"Melanie said

Than Klaus walked to the door Start to Push it but it won't open

"What the bloody hell!"He said than Melanie start kicking the door

"Kai!! Nick!! Guys!"She yelled but it's like they can't hear them

"Its not gonna open"A voice came behind them they turn around

"Open it bitch"Melanie said

"Oh look the fantastic Forbes is back"Ariana said

"What did you do to Alex?"Melanie asked

"Nothing actually"Ariana said

"Open the door now"Klaus said

"I can't"Ariana said

"You closed it now open it"Melanie said

"It wasn't me"Ariana said

"What?"Klaus said

"It was Alex"Ariana said than Klaus fall on his knees than on the floor unconscious

"Klaus what did you do"Melanie said looking at Klaus

"Like I said it was Alex"Ariana said than Caroline Fall down next to Klaus unconscious

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