Chapter 11

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It's been two months since we lived in L.A. I've been busy with my job at Starbucks and Jungkook has been busy with press tours. We tried to FaceTime every night but it would be difficult cause of the time zones. We haven't done anything sexual since that night of my aunts party.. He acted as if nothing happened and I'm back to being his adorable step sister. He told me he was coming back soon but he's always said that to me so I didn't bother. Taehyung on the other hand had always talked to me when I wasn't in the best mood. He's been asking me if everything was alright since he hadn't seen me from that night. I was brewing some coffee in the morning until one of my co workers asked if we could switch spots for a little. I nodded as I walked towards the cash register.

   "Hi welcome to Starbucks what can I get you today?" I look up at the tall male. He smiled at me as I smiled back at him. "T-Taehyung??" I was shocked.

   "Oh hey Aria.. Um could I get a latte please?" He chucked at my facial expression. I was so in shock that my co worker had to come up and replace my spot while I go back to brewing coffee trying to let this sink in. My manger looked at me as I called out Taehyungs drink.

   "You can go." He smiled and I thanked him.

   "Two minutes?" I put two finger ups. Taehyung nods with a smile on.

After I grab my stuff I took the latte my manger made for me and walked out with Taehyung.

"What are you doing here?!? In L.A!" I raised my voice as we walked around in the busy city.

   "Ah ah stop hitting me." He laughs. "I came to visit you of course? Why else would I just randomly fly to L.A." He took a sip from his latte.

   "Does Jungkook know? He missed you." I couldn't stop staring at him he was just so handsome.

   "No he doesn- Aish watch out!" He pulled me really close to him as I almost ran into a pole. My coffee spills on his shirt a little. He winced from the hot sensation.

   "I'm so sorry!" I pat his chest but it seemed to make him in more pain.

  "It's alright let's just head back to home?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.


I open the door to my house with a huge smile on my face until I saw Jungkook standing there with a girl.. Wait.. what? My mom and dad look at me and Taehyung quickly. There was a coffee stain on Taehyung's white shirt.

   "Taehyung you made it safely!" My mom smiled as she came up to hug Taehyung.

   "Yeah haha." He chuckles. On the other hand I couldn't stop looking at Jungkook.. His forehead was showing as their was a hit beside him.. she was gorgeous. Flawless you could say.

   "W-Who's that?" I cleared my throat moving over a little to look at the girl.

   "Oh that's a friend." Jungkook avoid my eye contact.

   "Hi I'm Solar." She smiled at me. Even her smile was perfect..

   "I'm Aria.. Jungkook's st-"

   "Step sister. I know he told me a lot about you." She laughs. Jungkook's face goes all red and so did mine.

   "Oh are you two like a.. um.. a thing?" I eyed both of them.

   "No no I'm just his stylist. I'm married don't worry." She showed her ring to me. My heart stopped beating as my body was more calmed.

   "Oh how long have you been married for?" I asked.

   "Three years." She smiled again. I smiled back at her as I walked towards Jungkook and her.

   "Taehyung need another shirt?" Jungkook asked and he nodded. They both head upstairs. I sat across from Solar.

   "So you two aren't blood related?"

   "Nope were just step siblings..."

   "You two seem really close." She nods while playing with her nails.

   "Yep.." I mumbled quietly.

  "I was never that close to my step brother." She looked a bit upset.. "but.. we did get along another way." She smiled as she stared at her ring. I thought that she married her step brother but I didn't want to say anything.

"Can I tell you a secret?" She looked up at me and I nodded.

"My husband is actually my step brother.." She seemed embarrassed to say that. I was full of shocked this time.. if she married her step brother I have a chance with Jungkook.

   "Really?? What?" My mouth was wide opened. She laughs patting her stomach.

   "Yep.. Since we're not blood related it's legal to marry each other.. But I found out that he was never actually with my step dad.. Apparently my step dad just looked after him since he was young cause his sister didn't want him.." Her face frowned..  I put my hand on her shoulder.

   "I'm so sorry for him.." She looked up at me.

   "Don't be.. We're doing great know especially with this guy." She points to her stomach. I heard Jungkook and Taehyung laughing form upstairs as I saw Jungkook shirtless. My cheeks heat up as he starts doing chin ups from his room door, his body facing my view. Solar notices and laughs.

   "I know you like him. He seems to like you too." She chuckles.

   "What Jungkook? God no." I rolled my eyes and turned around. She laughs again getting up.

   "Trust me. I use to look at my step brother the same you look at Jungkook." She placed her hand on my shoulder. "Just know.. if you fall in love with him and he doesn't have the same feelings for you.. You're going to be heart broken.. Don't let that happen to you."

I kept watching Jungkook as him and Taehyung have a chin up contest. Jungkook glanced my way before giving me a huge smile... God why did he make me feel this way.

A/N: ugh everything exams! I'm just so stressed. I hope you like this chapter!

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