Mira and Laxus

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      "I really wanna see how Laxus will be freaking out and how Mira will be a bit irritated!" I say. "Yeah!" Romeo says. "You call Laxus and I call Mira! And if he won't...go on FaceTime and give the phone to me..." I say "Then I don't want to be him to witness a pissed off Wendy that will threaten to do anything as in death,horror, haunting or  murder. But I'm sure she wouldn't do that to me! Right?" Romeo says. "Suurrreee...." I say. I get the phone and call Mira. "Hey Mira do you wanna babysit some kids with us for a week or three? I promise they're adorable...plus me and Romeo are he--" before I finish the door bell rings. Hm. "I'll get it!" Romeo says and opens the door. "LAXUS AN MIRA?!" Me and Romeo yell in unison. "I couldn't help but see RoWen in action!" She says. Me and Romeo face palm at the same time.

"She dragged me here..." Laxus says.

Me and Romeo shrug and let them in.

"FRONT ROW CENTER!!" Me and Romeo yell at the same time. Mira and Laxus look surprised and confused.

"Behave good. BUT if we tell you all to go normal do so. So go play now..." I say and they all go back.

"What was that? Training or somethin?" Laxus says on the couch.

"We always do that and we'll be here for a week or three. We're getting paid, not any others. There is another guest room upstairs for both of you to sleep in. Gajeel and Levy share a room. Natsu and Lucy share one. And me and Wendy share one sooo....yeah you guys sleep together" Romeo says. Mira's eyes light up with joy "SO YOU GUYS SLEEP IN THE SAME BED?!?!" She shouts. "Not exactly....Romeo sleeps on the couch in our room. There's no couch in the guest rooms so good luck!" I say. "Aww poo..." Mira says like a baby. But why do people always--wait...it was kinda a bad idea to bring Mira and a super strong guy with her....

Oh my Mavis I hope she doesn't convince Laxus to carry Romeo onto the bed! Ugh...

Time skip dinner

"What do you want for dinner?" I ask the kids. "ROASTED CHICKEN AND HOME MADE LEMONADE!! And also mashed potatoes pls!" They all say in unison. "Since all of you guys showed us how bad and slow you all cook we will be doing it tonight!" Me and Romeo say in unison.

Time skip 7 min

"Done! And for us we have 4 cooked chickens!" I say. Mira and Laxus look at us shocked with their jaws wide open.

"One for Natsu,one for Gajeel, one for Laxus and one for the rest of us!" I say and place the chicken down. "How come I don't have my own?!" Romeo says. "Well you could've made yours! Plus you wouldn't be able to finish all of it like them!" I say...

Time Skip After dinner

"I'm bored..." Laxus says. "Ok then we have something fun for all of you to do..." me and Romeo say in unison with a smirk and snap our fingers once at the same time. All of a sudden all the kids come to their normal crazy selves.

"CALM THEM DOWN!!" Laxus says. "You want something fun and here you all go. Oh and the others went to sleep already..." Romeo says with a smirk. "We will go to sleep..." Laxus says and grabs Mira's had and runs to their room.

"QUIET!" Me and shout in unison and they calm down. "Half of you go with Wendy to put you to bed and I'll do the other half" Romeo says to the kids and I take my half to their rooms. 4 of them in one room and another 4 in another room. Those rooms are huge though!

I tuck them in bed "Wendy....can you sing us a song before we sleep please?" Mica says with puppy dog eyes then all the rest do the same. "Fine..." I say and start...

I finish and I find them asleep. I go to the next room and they ask for the same "fiiiiinnneee!!" I whine and start

Romeo POV while she was singing

I her singing so I go to one of the bedrooms and find Wendy singing...

I lean on the frame o the door and listen. She has an amazing voice..Gajeel and Levy come but before they said something I cover their mouths with my hands. "Why are you smiling?" Levy whispers with a smirk. I ignore her and keep listening.

"Yo Wendy! That's some good singing!" Gajeel says and Wendy hears it. She must be embarrassed cause she blushed. "Thanks..." she says and starts going out the room. "So how did the boys go?" Wendy asks me. "Ehhh..." I start "Can we watch a movie in your with you two cause we're bored" Gajeel says. "Ok!" Me and Wendy say in unison.

Time skip to their room

I open the door and Gajeel and Levy's jaws go wide open.

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