Take Me Back to the Start

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AN: This is a Caroline One shot is based on the song The Scientist by Coldplay. It was a really cool idea to play and I hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading and if you have a prompt drop it in the comments or PM me.

-Love Taylor Breanne

I woke up and looked out the window at the dreary November day. My eyes filled to the brim with tears as my toes touched down on the cold floor. I wasn't ready to face the day or even get out of bed for that matter. I put on a black dress and a pair of heels, similar to what I wore to my mom's funeral. I looked in the mirror as I put a few curls throughout my hair. You can do this Caroline, you can get through today. I told myself, catching the loose tear with my thumb.

I walked down the stairs of the boarding house, my heels clacking on the hardwood. Everyone was there in the living room; Alaric, Bonnie, Elena, and Matt. Damon was waiting at bottom for me, his face was already blotchy. He held out his arm to lock with mine as we walked to the car.

I got out of the car at the Mystic Falls Cemetery, taking a breath. I walked through, arm locked with Damon's. My heels crunching the autumn leaves beneath them. As they approached the Salvatore crypt I wiped a runaway tear from my cheek. This was not how I wanted to celebrate my husband's birthday. I thought, glancing at the ring on my left hand.

Damon stood there looking at his closest friends in front of him and took a long drink of Bourbon, to fight the emotions. "This day, 172 years ago I hated my life. No, not true it was honestly a great day. It was the day I met my best friend. It's been 8 months and I still can't believe he's gone..." Damon paused as his lip began to quiver. After a moment he held up the bottle of bourbon "So here's to you baby brother, for choosing to save my life instead of your own... something I still don't understand. I love you Stef. Happy Birthday Brother you would have finally been of age." He took a drink and went to sit down.

After everyone who had something to say had spoke, I stood up. I looked at everyone with tears overflowing down my cheeks. "8 months ago I got married and it was one of the best things I ever did. I can't believe that my happiest and saddest day where the same one. We were supposed to spend our lives together that day and now it's hard to even live at all." She took a deep breath so she didn't completely fall apart. "Happy Birthday Stefan... I love you." I looked over at the crypt and thought I would do anything to just start over, to go back to the beginning.

A loud buzzing filled the room and I sleepily reached over to turn off the clock, rubbing my eyes. As soon as I opened them I realized I wasn't in the boarding house. I sprung up and looked around at my old bedroom, I was at my house. I looked over at the clock and it read 6 AM.

I sat there in my old bed trying to figure out what was going on. When I looked down at my hands, I noticed my wedding ring was gone.

"Caroline, you need to get up and get ready for school." Liz said from the kitchen "I'm going to work. Love you."

I brought my hands to cover my mouth as I heard my mom's voice. Tears damped my cheeks as I realized what was going on. I jumped out of bed, running downstairs and wiping my tears before getting to the door and seeing my mom. "I love you too Mom." The words came out of my mouth before I realized it and ran over to hug her.

Liz smiled and hugged her daughter back before looking up at her "What was that for?"

I smiled, looking at my mom and trying to take in that she was there. "Oh I don't know. It's the first day of Junior year, it's a new thing mom." I said.

"Okay Care, I gotta get to work. Have a good day." Liz said with a smile as she left.

I squealed, standing there in the foyer. That was my mom! I thought as I walked back upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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