my religion., Jamies P.O.V

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This teacher seriously needs to keep his mouth shut for some reason.

I go out of the class and stood near the wall admiring stupid things. By then Max came runing and went past me without even a hello. ass -.- ( sorry for bad language) and then he realised me he came backwards staring at me giving me a what happen look. " why are u here?" he asked me. "You will soon find out -.- " I said and then the bell rang and everyone came runing out of the class. Omg I wanted Max to be insulted too -.- . actually why do I want that he is my mate. duh forget it and then Tom and S come out of the class (Tom Tammy and S Bella)

"Hello there Max where have u been?" Tammy asked him.

"Oh well my dreams are too too big and to see big dreams i have to sleep for a long long time u know" Hey says as he winks at S and she just blushs.Ahh these dramatic teenagers -.- .

Bella,s P.O.V.

We just come out of the class and there was Max and Jamie out there. Max is my best friend he says that he loves me but i dont trust him i mean i do sometimes but its hard i have faced so so many ppl who said that they loved me but we ended up by him saying "You were just a waste" And im scared of Max loving me so much and i dont want him to and i hope whatever i think that he loves me is all fake please god. Max is hot fitt and so rich i mean he got his own house which is so big and he got 4 

lamborghini,s  and Ferrari,s and , Mercedes and a BMW and best thing his own plane. Whenever we go out he takes us even though we dont want to but he protective. Girls die for him the hottest guy he is in our school and so rich I mean so many cars even though he is 18?? wow. I was in my thoughts as Tom and Max were talking and Max winked at me. and I started blushing and Jamie I think she saw me. "Guys lets go to the cafe im hungry" James screamed. "Jamie calm down" Tammy said. Jamie eats too much but still she is fitt maybe cuz shes too much in sports. "Ill take u your highness" Max said as he forwarded his hand to jamie and she grabed his hand and we started to walk to the cafe. we were in cafe now and we were sitting down together and Max asked us what we wanted "hot chocolate" Tom said. "same here" I said and Jamie said the same thing and Max then went. " S so what u gonna do about the party?? will u come?" Tom asked me. "Tom u know I cant my parents" I said and yes imma muslim pure muslim my parents are really strict and I wear a hijab im not even allowed to talk to boys weird right?? but thats my religion I have to do it!! I talk to Max cuz he is related to me and my parents trust him good thing this is :) . "S you parents are in Peterborough how will they find out"? Tom asked me. "Well my god can see me" I smiled. "S u are coming thats all" she said angrily. "hmmm ill see" I said smiling. Max came back with four hot chocolates"here u go ladies. he said. "thanks honey" Tom said. " thanks not maxilot" Jamie said. " Your welcome you highness". both of them brust out lauhhing.

he was looking at more then looking he was staring at me. Why does he do that? im not even pretty theres like billion hot girls over him then why me?? we were staring at each others eyes. " So Max u going to the party tonight?" Tom asked Max he didnt reply still staring at me I started blushing. "MAX"??  she asked again. "oh what"? he said looking at her. " Max Goerge I asked u something before" she said. " what? when?". he said with a confused face."day dreaming is not good Max" Tammy said. I took a sip of my hot chocolate. " Not day dreaming staring" Jamie said. "yeah yeah" he said annoyed.

"what did u ask again?" he said while taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "Are u coming to the party tonight?"

"yep ill pick u all up and S u are going ok?" I nodded in response. By then I felt a hand on my knees. it was max omg I gave him a death glare and he just giggled and let go. he never touches me when I dont want it. he was going to kiss me once but I never let him cuz its not allowed in my religion. But I do want it I dunno why. ahh Bella forget about him. we been talking for a little more while and then went home.


were finally home I sit on my bed while Tammy is looking for some clothes. "S what u gonna wear tonight?" she said not looking at me.

"umm Tom u see umm I wont be able to go" I say while toching my hair from the back she looked at me with a shocked face.

"WHAT?" she said mostly screaming. "u see im on my umm u know on_" " oh ok got it" she cut my words thanks she

understands. The bell rang. "S will u open the door plz?" Tom says." yaa sure"  I say while heading to the front door. I opened the door and there stood Max he looked stunting and wow he bought an Lamozine. "Hey my sweet heart" he said while kissing me on my cheeks. He treats me as a gf I told him not to but he wont listen. "Hey Max" I say with a soft smile :) .

"your not ready?" he said while stepping in and I shut the door behind. " im not feeling well" I said. He turned around quickly "what? what happen u ok? u need a doctor just tell me??????" he said worried while touching my forehead. I loved when he did that. " No its not that its just im on something" I said while looking down. " Oh oh I I ah got that" hs said while lookimg down touching his hair. "Max u here?? were ready to go" Tom said. "Yea me too" Jamie said. "guys ummm im not going im not feeling well"  his such a liar -.- I smirked at him. . "ahh ok u dont need to lie I know ur here cuz of S and yea enjoy" Jamie said. "Take  my car its outside with a driver and three gaurds to take care of u ok?" Max asked he is so protective. "Ok sir" Tammy said and she gave me and Max a hug and then Jamie did, " Max dont do anything to her ok?" Tammy said. "Ok ma'am"  Max says and we brust out laughjng omg his laugh he makes me melt. oh god s wat are u on about u love Zayn only Zayn no one alse. and then both of them went and Max shut the door and smirked at me. God what will he do? im scared.

NOTE-: Guys plz vote and comment hope u like my story its boring from here but really nice from the middle hope u like it xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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