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*siren noises*
"I think there's someone still in there!" I heard a man scream
What's going on? Where am I? Why can I only see black? I started slipping in and out of consciousness. I couldn't feel anything. Where am I?
"I FOUND SOMEONE" someone yelled. Suddenly i felt lifted off the ground. What's happening? Then it all went black.
(Le time skip)
W-whats that noise? Where am I? "WHERE AM I?" I screamed as I awoke and looked around. A-a hospital? What happened? The last think I knew is that I was sleeping. "Miss Lina you're awake!" Someone who I suppose is the doctor said. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" She questioned me. "...I-I don't think so..." I whispered. I heard her sigh in relief, she then called some nurses in to make sure I'm okay. "What happened to me? Why am I here? I thought I was sleeping?" I questioned. Suddenly they stopped, why did they stop? The doctor told them to leave and continued to shut the door after. "Miss Lina...uh your house burned down earlier this evening... g- j... " my house what? No this can't be happening? I started to tune her out. "Your parents died" I heard that part. "M-my parents are dead?" Suddenly tears started rolling down my face. "NO I DIDNT GET TO SAY GOODBYE" I started sobbing. Then everything went black.
"Lina! Lina wake up!" I heard someone yelling as they were shaking me" wait where am I? I bolted up and realized i was crying. "Lina are you alright? You were screaming and crying? I ran up to your room" oh.... it was just a dream of what happened that night. I sat up and swung my feet over the bed sighing. "Yeah it was just another nightmare from the incident, please don't worry" I don't my older brother. He wasn't there that night when it happened. He still looked worried. "Jimin, its fine. Plus we have to get ready it's already morning and we have to get flowers and prepare everything, and oh our aunt will wanna come and-" I was cut off "Lina calm down. Today is one year since they died. It's alright just take a breathe." Jimin said quietly trying to calm me down. It's been a whole year since my parents died. It seems like it was just yesterday all of this happened. "Okay... im gonna go get dressed ill meet you for lunch and we can go get flowers and leave." I said to him giving a reassuring smile. It'll be okay. You can do this Lina.
(Le magical time skip brought to you by JIMINS lack of jams)
Okay here it goes. Jimin stopped the car and got out. I grabbed the two sets of flowers and followed him to our parents grave. When we approach I carefully set down the flowers. Jimin was talking to dad updating him on how college was going and how I'm fine and making a good recovery. "Hi mom" I said quietly as I set down the flowers and sat down next to it. "I'm doing good. I still have nightmares but it's getting better. Jimin and Jungkook are helping me. You remember my boyfriend Jungkook right? He's been by my side through all of this. He couldn't be here today though." I said to her. I felt someone reach out and wipe a hot liquid from me cheek. I was crying. I didn't even realize. Jimin pulled his hand away and patted my back giving me some space. "Hi dad, I'm doing good in school. We're on summer break right now. Jungkook is treating me well. More then well, great actually. I miss you too!" I started sobbing. I got up wiping my tears away and meeting Jimin by the car. We drove home quietly. Not saying a word.
(Another magical time skip brought to you by Jungkooks abs)
I missed him. Why couldn't he be here right now. I heard my phone ring and I picked it up seeing emo was texting me so late.... it was Jungkook. A soft smile grows across my face as I see what he said.
(J-Jungkook L-Lina)
J: how are you doing? Did you talk to your parents?
L: yeah we got back a while ago. It went well I told them about everything that's been happening.
J: I'm sorry I couldn't make it out today
L: no it's okay you can't be there always
J: drive over to my place I have a surprise
L: Kookie what did you do?
J: just trust me okay. Do you trust me?
L: yes. I'll be there soon.
(Le magical time skip over to Kookies house)
I told my brother I was going over there to pick something up and he said okay. I stopped the car as I pulled up in front of Kooks house. I went up to the door and pulled out the key he had given me to his house. What I saw in front of me when I opened the door made me wanna cry.
It was Kookie down on one knee with a ring.
"Omg Kookie what-" "you've made me the happiest man alive. From every smile to every tear I love every bit of you. I can't imagine my life without you." He wiped away one of my tears "Lina will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive. Will you Marry me?" He said as a year rolled down his cheek. "Y-yes" I said as I jumped into his arms. He smashed his soft lips against mine. "I love you so much" he mumbled into my hair as he spun me around. "I love you too Kookie" I whispered back into his ear. He slipped the ring into my finger and picked me up bringing me to his room laying me on the bed so softly you would've thought I was glass. He laid down next to me playing with the end of my shirt. "You know they would've loved you" I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks. He looked at me ever so softly and grabbed my cheeks kissing me. He kissed he passionately full of love as my salty warm tears rolled down my face. He slowly pulled away wiping away my tears and giving me a soft smile. "I love you so so much, you'll never know how much you make me happy. Down to every little detail." He quietly said into my ear. He sang me a song until I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep. But just before I drifted into dream land he whispered," I can't wait until you become my wife sweetie" I smiled and went to sleep thinking of my future with Jungkook.
Comment your opinions and requests for future shorts💙
Shoutout to Lina my favorite Jungkook stan.
1150 words

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