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A werewolf pack has anywhere from 4 to 15 wolves. Most packs have about 6 or 7. Vampires are very similar in a way. In a clutch (clan/pack) there should be about 5 to 11 vampires depending on their strengths, and now you maybe wondering 'Why do I need to know this?' Well trust me, you'll thank me later. Before things became, let's say "difficult".
Werewolf packs consisted of 3 different types of wolves. Alpha, Beta, and Omegas. Alphas, of course being the strongest. Betas being second in command. And Omegas being left out and fed the scraps. A few years ago things changed. At least in our area it did. Vampires didn't know it at first because obviously none of us were really involved with them then. Slowly they realized that there had became three separate packs. The Alphas, The Betas, and The Omegas. Which put the vampires at an higher advantage, because the only strong pack was the alphas. Betas didn't know what to do without alphas, and omegas barely remembered how to breathe anyway. There still is higher ranking Alphas to keep the pack in tacked.
An Alpha of all Alphas.
Same with Betas and Omegas. Vampires have elders which are basically the same thing. We also have new bloods. Which is what I am. Then there are just the regular ol' vampires. This will all make sense later but for now, bare with me. There's 11 Alphas in the Alphas pack, 15 Betas in the Beta pack, and 6 Omegas in the Omega pack.
There's 11 vampires in my clutch, my parents and I , Annie and her parents, Nate and his family. I don't know anyone in grays pack besides E, and one other person. I know that their set in pairs though, and that all the rest of them are couples while Ethan and Grayson are brothers. Awkward, right?
I'm on my way to camp with Gray, Ethan, and Annie. Things are amazing right now but I can't hide this forever. I finally turn on the trail that takes me to where we're meeting. Grayson told me about most the stuff you're reading, but a lot of it I knew already. Its been about 2 weeks since our first date but everything has been great between us. But I can't stop that one thing from making me guilty.
I'm not wearing anything to exciting today. Just a big hoodie *cough* it's Grays *cough* and some black skinny jeans with some rips at the knees which wasn't a good idea because it's late fall and it  is freezing. They said to wear something comfy and pack some clothes up because we'd be out here for a couple of days and make up a good excuse to tell my parents. Their still on the other side of the world on "business" which really means their looking for other vampires to help take over. I told them I was going to stay with Annie for a few days because I was bored, and they believed it.
My parents have been friends with her parents for centuries. Annie and I grew up together, I know everything about her, from her favorite color, to when she plans to get married and have kids. I know when something is up, things between Annie and I have been... different.
This is the first time I've ever been scared of seriously losing our friendship. Since the night of my first date with Grayson I feel as if she doesn't trust me.
I grab my bag and step out of my car, I hear a pair of feet running towards me. I turn to see Grayson running up the hill for me. (Get ready because this about to get real cheesy) I start jog over to him because I don't really feel like running. He gets about 7 feet away from me and then leaps right on top of me, knocking me over on to my back with him on top of me. I catch my breath, looking up and smiling at him as he smiles down at me.
   "Hello gorgeous." He said as he smiled widely.
"Hi handsome." I said returning the favor. I grabbed his face and pulled him down towards me. Are lips met. We stayed like that for a few seconds. It felt like years though. He pulled away and smiled. I smiled back and scrunched my nose up.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Up we go." I said giggling. He kissed my forehead and stood up. "Ok then, boss." He smirked. "Now walk my slave." I said jokingly, pointing at Ethan and Annie, followed by Gray and I laughing. He walks down the hill slower than he had gone up. I put my head in the crook of his neck so he could see where he was going.
"FINALLY, the lovebirds decided to show up." Ethan said teasingly. Annie looked serious, which made me nervous. She was sitting between his legs on a blanket in front of the fire. We didn't just come out here to camp for a couple days, its also to get to know each other better. Grayson's idea since Annie has been isolating herself and avoiding E and me.  Now I feel even more that that she's keeping secrets.
Two tents are set up, one for Gray and I and one for Ethan and Annie. I shivered, not only because of the cold weather, but because of the ice cold look that Annie was giving me.
   'I know.' I said to myself inside my mind.
I know.
I flashed my eyes at her to let her know I understood. It's a little harder to communicate on the low as a vampire. Not having telepathic powers like the wolves. But it didn't stop the look, it softened but it was still cold. It wasn't my fault. I didn't have control. You were supposed to watch me. I shuddered.
Grayson wrapped his arms around me. "Cold?" He asked whispering in my ear. "A little." I smiled slightly. I scooted back into him his legs either side of me, his arms around me.
If you're having a hard time imagining \/

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