This is rlly fucking gay

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Cujrijrfjrrjrnjf Dear God what have I done-//
//Also- This isn't cannon in my AU
-In my AU Kyou has no specific relationship(Yet- chdhjdhdj)
-Lives with Boswer, not Peach
-and is more of a mess than he appears in this//

*Kyou(OC)'s POV*

It was early morning and I awoke to the sound of a loud, rapid tapping at my window. I sat up and fumbled around for a moment trying to find the light switch in the dark, hearing the tap pin again. Once I had finally found the light switch and flipped it on, I made my way out of bed and to the window. I sighed and then opened it. Hovering outside was the familiar clown cart with a certain bluenette Koopa.

"I'VE COME TO STEAL YOU AGAIN!" He proclaimed triumphantly, placing his hands on his hips whilst striking a pose. I pinched the bridge of my nose and internally cursed.

"Larry, go to bed. It's like- 5.. in the morning? I don't know, but it's too early for this." I told him. He scoffed and got out of his clown cart and jumped down onto the balcony.

"It wasn't a question, it was a statement." He replied with puffed out cheeks. "Pfft.. his pouting makes him even more cute." I thought to myself.

"This is the third time this week. Go home and sleep, you can come back later." I huffed, shaking my head at the childishness taking place. He seemed to go into a thought process after this, so I took a seat and let him think.

"Will you at least join me for an early walk then?" Larry spoke in a soft voice, I lowered my brows.

"Why are you being so nice, all of a sudden?" I questioned, curious of his actions. He seemed to be taken back by the fact I questioned him.

"I- uh.. j-just come with me- please?" He pleaded.

"Fine." I replied. His eyes seemed to light up with excitement.

"R-really?! I mean-" *Cough*  "Come on." He said awkwardly holding out his hand. I rolled my eyes and stood up, smiling as I took his hand. He stiffened at the sudden contact at first, but eased into it. We walked out to the balcony, and he pulled out his wand and made a staircase.

"Couldn't we just take your clown cart?" I questioned.

He shrugged. "It wouldn't be a walk then." He said with a slight smirk. I snorted at his remark, and went with him as we made our way down the staircase.

"Just to say, we better be back before Peach wakes up. I don't want Mario to see you, nor to know this happened." I said worriedly.

"Why not? I'd love to see the look on his face!" He said, snickering. I mentally facepalmed at this. We had finally got to the bottom- "So, anywhere in particular you'd like to go?" He questioned.

"No, nothing in particular. Though I do like walking through the woods occasionally." I said, carefully choosing my words. He just looked at me and smiled, and gave a slight tug on my hand as he began to walk towards the entrance to the Acorn Plain's Waddlewing Woods.

I took a deep breath. "So- why are you being so nice as of now?" I questioned. I felt him stop for a moment, he sighed and then continued walking. I felt his grip tighten a bit as he stared at the ground while assumably trying to come up with an answer. He managed a small mumble, which caused a confused look to make its way onto my face. "I'm sorry. What was that?"

"I-I uh.. I just wanted to spend some time.. with you." He said nervously. "Spend time with me? What??" I mentally questioned. I looked over at him to see his face was a blushing mess and he was staring at the ground again. When we eventually got to the woods it was around 5:30 am and the sky was beginning to change colours from black to a brighter orangish red hue. I gazed in amazement how the woods flourished in various colours. The reds and greens reflected the orange-red hue of the sunrise that shone bright as we entered and began walking down one of the paths.

"So, you've kidnapped me three times in the past week. Everytime that happens I get taken to Bowser's and we just sit and talk. Does that normally happen with other captives?" I asked.

"Well.. normally no- unless it's Peach, then king dad usually spends a lot of time talking to her." He replied.

"Why's that? Like- why does he talk only to her, and not to his other prisoners?" My curiosity was currently getting the best of me, so I decided to play a game of 'twenty questions'.

"He just- He really likes her. Like, a lot. He just wanted to get closer to her, but of course- Mario's always in the way." He said with a sad tone.

"Oooohhhh, well that explains a lot. I do think that Mario can be rather annoying at times, it seems like he just can't leave Peach alone." I stated. I looked at Larry to see that he was staring at the sky. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah- I just never really noticed how beautiful the sun rise is.. I'm really glad you were ok with coming with me. It makes the experience a whole lot better. " He said. I felt heat rise to my cheeks and realized he'd let go of my hand. He turned and faced me, red in the face. "Hug?" He questioned opening up his arms. I was a bit skeptical, but hugged him anyways. I felt him nuzzle his face against my neck, which made me tense up. I heard him softly begin to purr, as his grip tightened. "Kyou?"

"Y-Yes?" I managed to squeeze out an answer, due to the fact I was extremely flustered.

"If I can't steal you.. Can I steal your heart, instead?" He whispered. "I really like you, Kyou.."

"You.. like me?" I replied softly. I felt him nod as he gently began to pull away.

"I kept capturing you like king dad did with Peach, because I didn't know ow to express my emotions correctly. I just get really shy about things like this... and I just- I-I-"  I cut him off with a swift kiss to the lips. I felt him ease into it and felt him return the kiss, wrapping his arms around my neck. After a few moments we both released each other, both looking dazed. He gave an awkward chuckle, "Honestly, I didn't think you'd like me back." He said. I stared past him with a frightened stare, and he looked behind him to see Mario standing there cross armed.

"You have some explaining to do. The both of you." He said sternly.

Larry and I looked at Mario and then to each other. "You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Larry said whilst smirking.

**Cue Mario getting chased by Kyou and a fire ball spitting Larry**
A/N: I'm sorry for this monstrosity
It's so cheesy-
But I couldn't help myself-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2017 ⏰

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Can I steal your heart, instead? (Larry x OC)Where stories live. Discover now