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May 17th

Morgan's P.OV

4 am. 

Yeah, I've been up all night. Logan is releasing his video 'Help Me Help You' tomorrow and has his second day of shooting today. I'm stuck alone in the apartment. I figured I should start posting more on Twitter. 



When your brother gets you up at 4 am for no reason. Logan will get payback! @loganpaul.


I smile and tweet it as I set my phone down and roll out of bed, not falling this time. I put on a Maverick hoodie and some leggings, my Nike running shoes as I tie up my hair. I grab my phone and keys and wait for Logan in the living room. He starts off his vlog with a whisper seen as everyone in the building is asleep. I roll my eyes and grab his arm making him sit down on the sofa with me. I had set down my phone and keys and now How I Met Your Mother was playing. Logan was intrigued as we watched about 5 more episodes, it's now 6 am. I went to the balcony and let out Kong whilst I stood leaning on the rail, watching the sunset. Logan had joined me and we both just watched it rise until it was properly set. 

"Let's go wake up the boys."~Logan said. I followed him out grabbing everything I need and walk out the door, locking it afterwards. I walked downstairs and the uber pulled up, we got in and Logan told the guy our address and we got drove there.

"BOYS GET UP!"~Logan said walking through their door shouting. I heard five groans and one small yell from Jack.


"BECAUSE IT'S THE SECOND DAY OF THE SHOOT, GET YOUR LAZY ASSES UP!"~Logan. I heard 4 lots of footsteps coming towards us, seeing Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Zack all rubbing their eyes.

"Daniel hates mornings, you are getting him up."~Jonah said pointing at me. I nodded my head and walked to Daniels room.

"Daniel, cookies are in the kitchen."~I say in his ear.

"What, Cookies?!"~Daniel said sitting up. Everything works on him.

"Nope, No cookies."~I say popping the 'p'. 

"I have you at least?"~He asked.

"Not unless you get dressed. I'll be with everyone else."~Morgan

"Fine."~He said getting up. I left the room and walked to the Kitchen seeing everyone eating and laughing at Logan.

"Okay, Let me do one of Morgan."~Logan. I'm guessing he is doing impressions. He finishes and the boys don't laugh as they notice I'm stood behind him. I open my water bottle but keep it behind my back. Logan turns around and goes wide-eyed.

"How long have you been there?"~Logan asks. I don't reply, I just poured the water over his head, making him soaking wet through.

"That answer your question Logan?"~Morgan. He scowls at me and starts chasing me around their house.

"DANIEL WHERE ARE YOU?"~I shout. I run into Daniel in the corridor and he catches me, holding him behind him.

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