Chapter 9

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June 25th 2058

Lin's POV

A few days have gone by since Takeshi's death. Everyone is very sad, especially Jenn. She hasn't really talked to anyone. We all tried but nothing worked. She was barely eating any food. I mean she can go two weeks without food, but still if she doesn't eat it will be hard for her to get back into a healthy eating lifestyle. I walked into the slums and saw her sitting on her bed staring at the wall. "Jenn, come let's go eat" I said. She just stared at the wall not saying anything. I climbed up to her bed and sat beside her. I put my arm around her. "C'mon you need to eat. You'll die without food." I said calmly. She replied in an angry tone "What if I want to die. Huh. Ever thought about that?". My eyes widened. "We never thought about it because we never wanted it to be true"

We turned around the the owner of the voice and found Ryu there with a plate of food in her hands. "We know you're sad, we all are. But we have to move on. I'm sure Takeshi would want you to live, for the both of you." Ryu continued. Jenn looked at her with a single tear rolling down her face. She wiped it and looked at me and Ryu. "Ill live, for you guys and Takeshi". We smiled. Ryu handed her the plate of food and she started eating really quickly. "Jenn slow down" Ryu said while we both laughed. She finished eating and we all walked outside. She turned to Ryu. "Can I make a speech to everyone here" Jenn said. Ryu nodded her head. "Ill gather everyone at the podium" Said Ryu. Everyone was gathered around the podium. Jenn stood up there and started her speech.

Jenn's POV

I stood up there looking at everyone. I cleared my throat and started my speech. "Hello everyone. I know it might be surprising that i'm making a speech right now. Before I get into what I gathered you here for, i want to say sorry. I'm sorry for worrying all of you. I was really upset but I went to far with it by barely eating. Im very sorry and I promise that will never happen again. Now onto the reason why you're all here today. I want to thank you all for helping me here. I know I can seem rude sometimes, but that's just me, and i'm thankful that you all accepted me and let me be me. I want to thank all of my friends especially Ryu and Lin. They have helped me the most in getting through life. Sadly I have wanted to end my life many times, but Lin and Ryu were always there to help me and realise why I'm here today and why I should continue living here with my friends. Thank you all, for everything!" I ended my speech.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds before they all clapped and smiled. I smiled back before walking off the podium to find a teary eyed Lin and Ryu. "That was beautiful" Ryu said. "We're happy that you're our friend" Lin said. We hugged and smiled. Soon enough it was nighttime and we all looked at the maze. It was still opened. Some stayed awake. Ryu stood in front of the maze by herself and ran inside. My eyes widened. What is she doing?! I jumped down and ran after her. A few people told me to stop but I ignored them.

I ran after Ryu. "Ryu! Ryu! Come back!" I screamed. She turned around and looked at me. "What are you doing here? Go back" She said sternly. I looked at her and looked at her hand. She was holding a knife. I looked back up at her. "Where are you going?" I asked. She looked at me before turning around and turning into a wolf and running off with the knife in her mouth. I ran after her but soon lost her. I looked around. Where am I? Shit. I wasn't looking to where I was going. I looked back to where i came from. 'If I stay against the left wall, I should find the way back to Midgar' I thought. I started walking back before I heard clanking noises. 'Dammit there are grievers' I thought. I stopped moving and looked around finding the griever. It stared at me before it attacks me. I jump away and run trying to get the griever to stop following me. 'Why did it attack me?! I didn't move'. I continued running before I heard a crash.

I turned around I saw the griever on the ground and some girl on top. 'She killed it?'. I looked at her and saw that she had red hair and green eyes. She was pretty. I shook my head. No time to think about that. "What's your name." She asked. I looked at her before replying, "Jennifer, what's yours". "Grace" she said. "Where are you from?" I asked. She looked around before coming down and whispering "Valhalla". I looked at her like she was crazy. "How did you get here" I said. She shrugged "I don't know, but I didn't start in any of the cities. Neither did I lose my memory". She didn't lose her memories? "So what do you remember?" I asked. "Many things, but let me just say. This is not the end." She said. "What do you mean not the end?". "When you find the end of the maze in Basin City, it's not the end. Its called the Scorch Trials. It's a barren wasteland and instead of grievers, there are zombies, and if you get touched by one, let's just say you turn into one of them." My eyes widened. So this is not the end. "Thank you for telling me! I have to get back to tell the others." She shook her head no "Don't tell them. Valhalla will kill you all. Tell them when you get to the scorch. Be safe" She said before a bullet hit her in the head.

I saw a human there holding the gun. Grace fell to the ground and I looked at her body. I looked up to the person who killed her and I saw a tall boy standing there. I held a Black orb in my hand. "Who are you? Why did you kill her?"I asked. He looked at me scared "Please don't kill me, she killed my family. I wanted to get revenge" He pleaded. I sighed. "What's your name" I asked. "Vincent" he said quietly. "Follow me" I said and walked off. I started to walk into the direction I thought was Midgar City. He followed me and we finally found the gate to Midgar. We walked inside. "Wheres Ryu" I asked. They looked down. "She hasn't returned yet" they said. I sighed and signaled Vincent to follow me. I brought him to the slums. "This is your bed, don't break anything" I said and walked off. He mumbled a 'thank you' and sat in his bed. I whispered "Ryu, where are you? Come home. Please"

Thanks for reading lol. I make my friends so badass xD.
This is what grace looks like

And this is what Vincent looks like

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And this is what Vincent looks like

And this is what Vincent looks like

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