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  As the parents left for work, they left their eldest son in charge. As night fell, the 10 year old boy, and his little sister and brother locked the doors. While the eldest boy locked the glass screen door the phone rang. Unknowingly, the door did not lock. Focusing on the ringing phone he hadn't noticed. As he ran towards the phone he felt something was off. Carelessly, he answered the phone. "Hello?" The boy said holding the phone to his ear. "I see you." The voice whispered from the other side. The boy thought it was a prank call and hung up. After he tucked his eight year old siblings in he went back into the living room. Dashing pass the window he glanced out. As he fell to the couch he grabbed the remote. The TV flashed on to the news. Apparently, a convict escaped from jail, he was now on the loose. No one was to go outside, and all doors should remain locked. As the boy turned the TV up a little more to hear the description, the door flew open behind him. Needless to say, the boy took off running. As he heard heavy, loud footsteps chasing after him he continued down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, he made a sharp turn into his siblings room, and locked the door. "Twins! Wake up!" He yelled flicking on the light. Turning around he saw his siblings hanging from the ceiling fan by rope, throats slit, and blood everywhere. There lays a note in the thick red blood. The boy picked it up with tears in his eyes. It read "Don't look behind you." The door begin to creak open...

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