Chapter 13

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*Danielle's POV*

"Shawn, we shouldn't have left. I have a bad feeling about this. We have been here since 5 in the morning," I say, "I didn't leave a note, they could be looking for us."

"Bae, don't worry, they probably aren't even up yet," Shawn leans closer to me. Our lips could almost touch.

We were laying on a hill, in Garfield Park. Shawn. was next to me. He is so cute. I'm surprised that no one has come to surround him, but then again, we are a little out of sight and it is morning. I hear birds chirping and feel gusts of wind. It's going to be cold today, I can tell.

Shawn leans even closer and kisses me. We make out for only a little bit, until we hear voices. They sound like Aaron and Nicole.

"Crap. What are they doing here," I look at Shawn.

"How should I know," he replies. We quickly get up and run into a forest. I climb up a tree, he follows. We sit up on a big branch and watch Nicole and Aaron walk around.

"I don't think they are here," We hear Nicole say.

"Yea, but let's keep looking," Aaron


They walk into the forest, where we were, but then turn around. When they were out of sight I said,

"That was close."

"Yea. Wanna go get something to eat? It's almost lunch time," Shawn asks.

"Sure," I reply. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and we hop off the tree. Then, we go out of the park and pick a restaurant.

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