Its bathtime!

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When it is time to bathe your hedgehog it should be once or twice every one to two months. It matters if he or she is dirty then bathe it soon. When they run on their wheel and poop they sometimes step in it. That can be taken off with a washclothe though. Don't bathe them to often or their skin will dry up. You might want to wait till your hedgehog is used to you before you give him a bath because he or she might poke you.

The tool to use to clean its spines is a old tooth brush (make sure its clean before use). I use baby soap or bar soap on his back.

Before you get your hedgehog fill up your bath or sink with warm to the touch water. Keep in mind he or she will poop in the sink or tub.Not to high though. Place some balls or floating objects to play with. I place a wash clothe to climb on or to cover the bottom of the sink. Grab a soft blanket and towel for the end.

Then go get your picky buddy and place him in the bath. He might be perfectly fine or might start squirming around. Place your hand in there to clam him or her down.

Put soap on the tooth brush scrub his or her back. Then pour water on his or her back to rinse it off.

Let him run around and swim. Try to get him or her to float on his or her back.


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