chapter 21

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"how could the young mastrr not remember us?" finnian asked under the shade of a tree. baldroy lit his cigaret and closed his eyes. "he dosnt rember anything." he said. mayrin begain to tear up " he dosent even remember us killing...killing..." mayrins words trailed off. she and finnian started to cry. baldroy held back his tears.

I was walking in the garden when i saw mayrin and finnian crying. i walked up to them. "are you guys alright?" i asked. they all jumped up and said,  "finr master, never better!" then they all ran off. "that was weird." i said to myself. i lookrd back over at the pach of shade they were sitting in. there was a photo. i picked it up yo see me asleep at my new desk. sabashtain to my side. and a naked man with a dog coller on, climing the window.

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