Chapter 3

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  Brynjolf, Delvin, and Vex were discussing their newest recruit, seated at the bar as Vekel served them a meal and drinks.

"I didn't even see the lass do it!" Brynjolf was saying yet again, "And I was watching her!" He gestured with his hands as he spoke, nearly knocking over his bottle of mead, which was saved only by Vex's quick reflexes. He shrugged apologetically at the other thief, but the woman only rolled her eyes.

"I said it yesterday and I'll say it again today: you've gone and fallen in love with another 'lass' who's just goin' to end up behind bars sooner or later," Delvin declared with a mock groan. "Seriously, mate, this is gettin' ridiculous."

"I'm telling you, Del, this one's going to be different. I can feel it!" Brynjolf said with startling conviction.

"Brynjolf's right," Vex said from her place between the two men. The other two thieves raised their eyebrows in surprise, causing Vex to roll her eyes. "He's right that she's different, but that isn't always good, Bryn."

"And I agree with Vex," a quiet voice behind Brynjolf said. He turned around, trying to keep the surprise from showing on his face. He must have failed, however, because he saw Delvin smirk out of the corner of his eye. Arsha gave a small laugh and deposited three sacks of gold on the table. "Different isn't always good, but hopefully this time it is. All three of the merchants have agreed to continue to pay."

Brynjolf shook his head in amazement and began counting the coins. Three hundred exactly. The woman hadn't even tried to take a cut for herself yet. Arsha just stood there waiting as he separated a pile of about fifty coins and pushed them toward her. She swooped them up and dropped them into a hidden pouch at her waist with the air of someone who had done this many a time before, leaving Brynjolf wondering just what it was the woman used to do and why she had found herself in Riften of all places looking for odd jobs.

Shaking his head inwardly, Brynjolf stood from the barstool. There would be plenty of time for questions, and the stories that undoubtedly went with them, later. "It's time I introduced you to the Guild proper," he said, gesturing for the woman to follow him. Arsha's eyes glittered as he spoke, and Brynjolf couldn't help but wonder if she wore a self-satisfied smile under that mask of hers.

As he walked past Vex the white-haired thief leaned toward him and said in a low voice, "She had been standing there since Delvin spoke. She's quiet, but is that really a good thing?" Brynjolf just shook his head at her disapproval and kept walking. They were thieves, of course, it was a good thing!

He led Arsha into the hallway and stopped in front of the door that led to the Cistern. "I'm about to introduce you to Mercer Frey, the Guildmaster. Mercer is a bit, well... you'll see. Just show him some respect and do what he tells you and everything will be fine," he explained and Arsha gave a small nod.

Arsha knew the second that she saw the Guildmaster's harsh face that the two of them would not get along very well. Mercer Frey stood with the attitude of one who was in complete control, something that reminded her far too much of the person she had once been. Mercer watched Arsha and Brynjolf with disapproving eyes as they approached.

When they reached the platform in the middle of the cistern Brynjolf said, "Mercer? This is the one I was talking about...our newest recruit." He gestured to Arsha, who nodded respectfully to the Guildmaster. Mercer, however, ignored the gesture. Instead, his eyes flicked over her with an air of disdain before he turned back to Brynjolf and sneered,

"This had better not be a waste of the Guild's resources, Brynjolf." Oh yes, Arsha just loved how he spoke as if she wasn't there. She barely resisted the urge to roll her eyes, and it was a good thing she did because the next moment Mercer Frey turned to face her. "Before we continue," he said, his tone pompous, "I want to make one thing perfectly clear. If you play by the rules, you walk away rich. You break the rules and you lose your share. No debates, no do what we say, when we say. Do I make myself clear?" With a great effort, Arsha resisted a smart remark and merely nodded.

Claimed: A Thieves Guild Fanfiction [Revised&Edited]Where stories live. Discover now