Chapter One

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You park your car and take a deep breath before looking up to the face of the dark bricked six story building standing in front of you. Northsides facility for the clinically insane. This is your new part time job. Two weeks ago you graduated online collage with a degree in nursing and health. Being socially awkward you didn't want to go work in a hospital and you were always interested in the treatments for disorders of the brain so you decided to look into a job for your local mental health clinic not expecting to be so quickly placed in the psyche ward section of the hospital. You were to work on the 6th 7th and 8th floors where the kept the really crazy ones. You were to start off just making sure the patients are in a clean place and that they have there meds. Looking once in the rear view mirror to make sure you looked presentable you exited your car and made your way to the front door. Upon entering the building you noticed that the inside was considerably less dark and creepy. The smell of cleaners and chemicals encased you as the doors slid closed behind you. You walked up to the front desk and after the man told you where your work locker and uniforms were you made your way to your new job starting on the 6th floor. The 6thand 7th floors were fairly similar in looks and occupants you had the normal rocking and babbling patients and the ones in the straight jackets and the ones that just stared off into corners like there was a whole new world there which for some there may be. You checked all the rooms to make sure everyone was clean and alive and swept the floors (even though they didn't really need it) then you made your way to the elevator and went up the the last floor of your shift. You straightened your solid white uniform and frowned a bit that it lacked any color 'it would look nice in black or red' you thought to yourself as the doors slowly opened. You stepped in and took a look at your new surroundings. This floor was different from the rest, the florescent lights were dim and some flickered in places the air didn't smell of cleaners at all but not really of musk either. The walls were made of a ugly yellowy brown color brick and the rooms were more cells instead of rooms. There was a sign on the wall close to your left so you turned and read it to yourself ' floor 8, holding cells for more aggressive and violent patients under our care for the insanity plea in court when charged with multiple murders. Keep dark and don't agitate patient. Occupants: 1'. " Killer eh, there's plenty of them in here I wonder why this one is so angry," You quietly say outloud and continue to walk down the rows of doors until you reach the the last door on the left and you pick up the patient sheet. ' name- Jeff-

Do not open door-' you hum once to yourself and slowly slide the large metal hatch on the door open to peer inside at the person inside. Once the hatch was opened you saw a man with his back to you laying on the floor. He had a straight jacket on and had long wild black hair. Thinking that he couldn't possibly be comfortable on the cold floor like that you spoke ever so softly to the man. " Hello sir, are you alright down there?" you asked. A gruff but not frightening voice answered after a short pause, " I was until you started talkin." he answered trying to make you leave but you only smirked and giggled a little. " do you need help off the floor or not?" you asked again with a hit of laughter in your voice. Being socially awkward made it hard for you to determine when you are and aren't wanted. The man then sits up straight and hops upright without turning to look at you. " Dose it look like I need your help?" You laugh again and lean on the door a little not affected by his attitude. "I suppose not," you smirk to yourself " My name is (y/n), I'm new here and I was assigned to your floor but, since your the only one up here and the only one on any of my floors that can comprehend my speech I think ill stick around up here till my shift is over." You could almost feel the mans eyes roll as he made his way to his bed with his head down moving his hair into his face so you still couldn't see what he looked like. " Fine Im Jeff, but don't expect me to answer you. Im up here alone for a reason." you closed the hatch and looked around the hall for a bit till you found a set of keys. You looked at his door and noticed the top of the door could open separately from the bottom so you pit the key in and turned ignoring the note from earlier and you were greeted with a plexy glass door just beyond the half door you just opened. The man chucked. " They did say they were gonna take extra precautions for the next new one.". You pulled up a chair from the Conner and scooted up to the opening int the glass. " what makes me so special?" you asked Jeff. "Its not you sweetheart, its me the last guy that opened that door ended up in the hospital. You know they never told me if he made it or not, shame," with that he lifted his head and his hair fell from his face. You didn't gasp you didn't scream you just looked the tall man over. He had the palest skin you have ever seen on a person. So white he matched your uniform, next you looked at his mouth he was grinning from ear to ear, literally. He had slits from the coners of his mouth through his cheeks almost to his ears. They were big clean cuts that looked like they were trying to scar over. Then you looked at his eyes, they were such a pale blue they too were almost white and they were circled with dark black burns where it seemed he had removed his eyelids. You looked for a long time before breathing out a almost silent comment " Speak up! I can't hear you! What was that 'Monster' or 'Devil'?" His eyes went dark and he shot forward on his bed almost folded in two looking at you hard enough that it felt like beams were being shot though you. You laughed again." No, no not at all silly, I said beautiful. " you cracked a wide grin and laughed some more. You saw the man visibly relax and look up. "Its been a long time since I've been called that and even longer since they meant it." he laid back on his bed and adjusted so he was comfortable. " why would anyone say any different? Everyone is beautiful in some way and the light colors of your eyes and skin contrast wonderfully with the black and dark red lines. Not just anyone could pull that off you know." you said matter of factly. Jeff looked at you from across his cell on his bed for a long while before he spoke."Your not a normal person are you?" He asked. "Whose to say what is and isn't normal?" you asked right back and grinned. He grinned further at you and looked up to the ceiling. " Well my first shift is almost over I better go, I really have the night shift but they said they wanted me to get settled in so see you tomorrow night Jeff." You waved and stood closing the door and locking it back after moving your chair to the wall again and turned to walk out. " Maybe this one won't be so bad," you heard him mumble before the elevator closed.

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