Episode 8

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how are you all?
sorry for the late was busy with family and relatives... will try to be regular from now on... love u all take care


Episode 8
The episode start with Swara... she was hell scared.. Sanskar said soothing words to her and she calm down... Swara looked at Sanskar and he kiss her forehead... Swara look around and saw the house decorated beautifully... Sanskar said
Sanskar: I'm sorry JAAN did I scared u alot
Swara: what is all this
Sanskar: surprise but I guess I scared u
Swara looked at Sanskar and saw guilt in his eyes... Swara smile seeing his love and care for her.. Swara​ made Sanskar look at her and said
Swara: I'm fine it's ok
Sanskar looked at Swara and said
Sanskar: u ok na say honestly
Swara: yeah I'm
Sanskar smile and hug Swara.. Swara blush and hug him back... Sanskar broke the hug and Swara made faces... Sanskar chuckle and said
Sanskar: come with me saying this Sanskar took Swara forward... suddenly while waking Swara stumbled​ and was about to fall when Sanskar hold her from side.... Swara smile and said
Swara: thanks
Sanskar: no problem I saved my life
Swara: life
Sanskar​: u and baby
Swara blush and lower her head... Sanskar smile and took her forward again... soon both reach near a table and Sanskar made Swara sit... she smile and he sat beside her... Sanskar served her food and said
Sanskar: have dinner u must be tired and hungry
Swara: u also​
Sanskar smile and served for both... soon both had dinner and sat in front on TV... Sanskar extended the sofa making ​it bed and both SwaSan lie down comfortably... Sanskar switch on the TV and hug Swara carefully.... both watched ​Swara's favorite movie.... soon Swara fall asleep while Sanskar stare Swara lovingly...

After An Hour
Swara was still sleeping and Sanskar was staring her... he remember how they met and whatever happened in their lives... he thank God for giving him Swara and kiss her forehead... soon Swara woke up and saw Sanskar staring her... she blush and said
Swara: Sanskar stop staring me please
Sanskar: how can I u r so beautiful Shona​ the most beautiful girl in the world
Swara blush uncontrollably and tried to go but Sanskar hold her hand and said
Sanskar​: I want to tell u something
Swara turn and both stare each other lovingly... Sanskar lift Swara in his arms and took her on terrace... as soon as they reach Swara was shocked... the terrace was decorated with roses and balloons... Sanskar put Swara down and she felt rose petals under her feet... Sanskar hold her hand and kneel down in front of her... Sanskar said
Sanskar: Shona since the day I saw u I fell in love with u I didn't realize it but when u left I did realize what u meant to me but see our destiny we met again and now u r here in front of me u know I was afraid before but now I want u to know that I Love You and want to spend the rest of my life with u and our Angel if u r my life then angel is my breath I can't live without​ both of u saying this Sanskar take out the ring from his pocket and said
Sanskar: So Miss Swara Will You Let Me Hold Your Hand And Give Me The Honor To Make U My Wife Will You Please Marry Me And Make Me The Happiest Man Alive
Swara was beyond shocked... she didn't know what to do... only happy tears was rolling down her cheeks... she was not able to say anything so she just nodded in yes and Sanskar immediately adore her finger with ring... he stand up and Swara immediately hug him crying hard... Sanskar embrace her closing his eyes and whisper
Sanskar: ssshhh calm down Shona don't cry not good for angel
Swara looked at Sanskar smilingly while tears rolling down her cheeks... Sanskar wipe her tears and Swara close her eyes feeling his loving touch... Sanskar kiss her forehead and Swara whisper
Swara: kiss me Sanskar please
Sanskar was shocked with Swara's ​sudden request but fulfill it immediately... he capture her lips for a passionate yet soft kiss.... Swara hold Sanskar tightly from shoulder and Sanskar tighten his grip around her waist... after a while Sanskar break the kiss to take breathe and said
Sanskar: I Love You
Swara: I Love You Too
both hug each other and spend the night on terrace while talking about their future plans... Sanskar had arranged for a bed which was covered with curtains so both lie down there and fall asleep in each other embrace peacefully.... Swara was happy about her life and Sanskar was happy seeing Swara happy... their life was going to be wonderful...

hey how's it?

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