Lost In A Sea Of Souls

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  As the light fades to darkness, a soul loses direction. Forced to seek redemption in a world filled with hatred and despair. A wondering soul is the easiest to corrupt, to blind and misdirect. Yet what is there to do once you are cast out of the city itself.

It was a cold and rainy day, the traffic in Los Angeles is never pleasant. The heat from the day is cooled off by the rain, fog emits from the ground covering the street. People are as busy as they would be in the day. It is around 8 o'clock at night yet not much has changed. The sky is dark, very dark but the twinkle of the stars makes up for it. Although there is a tiny bright dot in the sky, it seems to be getting closer and closer. The eye can play tricks on people easily, it happens nearly every day. It is a bit off setting though. Within a few minutes the light gets bigger and bigger until its appearance rivals that of the moon. Everyone in the city can see this mass coming straight for earth, a panic begins and everyone starts to run. Minutes turn into seconds as this meteor hits the main street and splits the earth in a massive crater. People crowd around the crater staring wondrously at this mysterious sight. The rock splits as a sort of gas comes from the inside revealing a man dressed in a white shirt and pants. The man steps out staggering, then attempting to climb up the short ledge to reach the street. As his feet touch the pavement the man looks up then slowly in front of himself ,collapsing onto the hard earth. Minutes later a few men rush to him and take him to the nearest hospital to be helped, for the curiosity of the city folk drive them to help the man. Once they reach the hospital, they attempt to inject the man with certain medicines to keep him alive. Although they went to inject the liquid into him, the needle bent. Each time they tried the needle kept bending. So they turned to the defibrillator. This did not work either. They tried everything, nothing seemed to work. So they gave up, leaving him in a hospital bed to wait to be taken to the morgue. After an hour, a nurse walked by his room and noticed movement in his right hand. The nurse stood back and watched as the man leaped up gasping for air, the nurse screamed and called for a doctor. The man struggled to get up as the doctor rushed in. "excuse me, what do you think you are doing?" the man looked up,"i .. i don't know.."
The man says as he looks in the doctor  eyes. "Hmmm... well just follow me" the doctor says as he motions from him to follow. The man does as he's asked and follows the doctor. He takes him outside and tells him to speak with the police and leaves him on the steps of the hospital. The parking lot is full of people waiting to see the man who fell from space. The man begins walking to the road as a woman catches his eye. She looks familiar, very very familiar. Has he notices this the police arrive, getting out of there cars and pointing guns at the man dressed in white. A woman runs from the crowd to stand in front of the white dressed man. "Don't shoot!! He's confused and defenseless!!" the woman yells. "Step away from the man" the officer's reply. "No! Only if you lay down your arms!" she screams. The man looks down at the woman."you.. Look familiar.." he whispers. She looks back at him and gives a small smile. "As do you" she replied.
The police give a last warning, but the woman does not move. The police shoot, the sky is filled with the echo of gun shoots. A bright light flashes, the fog from the cooled off asphalt lets up. Only to reveal bright white wings surrounding the woman, Protecting her. Everyone gasps as the police men drop their guns. The wings separate and rest on the man's back.
An angel is among us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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