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Noah: Finished Art History

Noah: in a nutshell, there was a very long speech and now I have to write a very long essay

Noah: Heading to Moody's for my shift

Aden: good morning

Noah: afternoon :P

Aden: I like texting you on iMessage

Noah: me too

Aden: does it suck doing Summer University classes?

Noah: the essays and mandatory classes suck

Noah: but the art and photography classes, the classes I actually care about, aren't too bad

Noah: what're you planning on doing today?

Aden: binge watch a show on Netflix that I'll probably forget about next month?

Aden: and wait for another Skype call after my hard work of watching Netflix

Noah: and my hard work of actually working!!

Noah: gtg to my shift now

Aden: wait!! send a cute picture to keep me sustained while you're gone

Noah: ...

Noah: I won't take a picture right now because tons of people are here

Aden: :(

Noah: but I can send an oldie

Aden: :)

Aden: :))))))))

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Aden: :))))))))

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