-Ch 1- Pain For The Numb

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They say that smiles creates more smiles.....

They say sadness causes
more sadness....

The truth is that smiles hides the sadness we all hold inside us.....

Erza.....wake up please.......ERZA......

Erza POV

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Lucy above me.

"Erza we have to cook for the alpha and the rest of the pack members" she said as I got up.

"As much as we hate this pack we have to do what they say until we're strong enough to make a run for it" I nodded. You probably wondering why I don't talk at all, it's because my big mouth used to get me in to big trouble, so eventually I learned to shut up and obey for the time being.

"I will cook the special meal for the alpha and you cook the rice and make salads leave the rest to me", Lucy said.

I merely nodded and started making the salad and rice, after I have done my part I start settling the table and place all the food on the table with Lucy.

We then proceed to clean up all the dishes and went up stairs to the attic, and yes the attic was our bedroom, they left us with a double bedded mattress and some personal belongings.

It's been 1 months since the Former Alpha's son took over the pack, ever since then the pack has been more cruel towards us than before, there were more vicious beating for disobedience.

His name is Alpha Rain from what I heard, he is the cruelest Alphas out there, no one dared cross him or give him a second glance.

"Hurry he's coming....Let's have a peak!", Lucy said curiously.

I grab her shoulder and shake my head 'no we shouldn't'.

"You're right sorry I just want to see if how Alpha Rain looked like...", Lucy sighed.

I merely shrugged, and pointed to us and then the bed, "Okay let's go lie down", Lucy said.

I grabbed the note book and pen of the floor and write 'If Alpha Rain acknowledged us we would never be able to leave', I looked at her as she sighed in defeat.

"You're right, its bad enough we're in this hell hole", Lucy stated.

I stare at her with sadness, I wrote 'tell me more about this mate thing', She looks at me blankly for a moment and then smiles.

"When you turn 18, werewolves are destined to find our mates, mates is someone who will claim you and will love you for the rest of your life......he or she will treasure you.....your mate is your soulmate".

I smiled and wrote 'that sounds very romantic.....how do you know if you found your mate?'

"You will smell an intoxicating scent one that will trigger you to keep searching that scent til you find your soulmate......Any other questions??", She asked.

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